‘Like Mother, Like Daughter’
Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired November 13, 2001
Rory is told by the headmaster and guidance counselor at Chilton that she needs to be more social.
Quote from Rory
Lorelai: Take your schoolbooks and leave the others.
Rory: I need all of my other books.
Lorelai: You don't need all these.
Rory: I think I do.
Lorelai: Edna St. Vincent Millay?
Rory: That's my bus book.
Lorelai: Uh-huh. What's the Faulkner?
Rory: My other bus book.
Lorelai: So just take one bus book.
Rory: No, the Millay is a biography. And sometimes on the bus, when I pull out a biography and I think to myself, "Well, I don't feel like reading about a person's life right now" then I'll switch to the novel. And sometimes if I'm not into the novel, I'll switch back.
Quote from Lorelai
Rory: Barry Manilow.
Lorelai: Ugh, stop.
Rory: [sings] Looks like we made it-
Lorelai: Oh, yeah? Spice Girls.
Rory: Duran Duran.
Lorelai: Dido.
Rory: Olivia Newton-John.
Lorelai: The Macarena. You and Lane for hours and hours, for weeks on end.
Rory: Hey, ye were mocking. You can't mock the mocking.
Lorelai: All right, this is getting ugly.
Quote from Lorelai
Lorelai: Wow. Busy today. Has Luke been advertising or something?
Rory: He gets good word of mouth.
Lorelai: Well, we have to start spreading bad word of mouth so we can always have a table.
Rory: Well, that would be wrong, but sure. Vermin?
Lorelai: Or no potable water.
Rory: Or no potable vermin.
Lorelai: That'd scare them away.
Rory: Or confuse them away.
Quote from Rory
Rory: I found a CD under the front seat of our car. Did you lose one?
Lorelai: Not that I know of, but I'm sloppy with them.
Rory: So you didn't hide it?
Lorelai: Why would I hide a CD?
Rory: Don't know. Bay City Rollers?
Lorelai: It's not a Bay City Rollers CD.
Rory: How do you know?
Lorelai: I know what's not hidden under the seat.
Rory: Ha! Because you know that Barry Manilow is under that seat.
Quote from Lorelai
Luke: Where's Barry Manilow?
Rory: Under Mom's seat.
Lorelai: All right, I confess I was hiding Barry Manilow.
Rory: You confess?
Lorelai: But he was very big when I was very small. Plus, it's the live version where he does a medley of his commercial jingles.
Rory: Don't worry. Everyone's allowed a guilty pleasure now again.
Lorelai: Hmm. Very diplomatic from the girl who had the Bryan Adams poster above her bed for two years.
Rory: Fink.
Quote from Rory
Lorelai: What is the Gore Vidal?
Rory: Oh, that's my lunch book.
Lorelai: Uh-huh. So lose the Vidal or the Faulkner. You don't need two novels.
Rory: Vidal is essays.
Lorelai: Uh-huh. But the Eudora Welty's not essays or biography.
Rory: Right.
Lorelai: So, it's another novel. Lose it.
Rory: Nuh-uh. It's short stories.
Lorelai: Ugh, this is a sickness.
Quote from Michel
Lorelai: [on the phone] Michel?
Michel: I am growing very old.
Lorelai: Come pick me up?
Michel: I'm already here.
Lorelai: Put Carol on the desk and pick me up.
Michel: I'm not speaking to Carol. She ate my low-fat cheese.
Lorelai: Michel, come pick me up and I will buy you some cheese.
Michel: Low-fat cheese.
Lorelai: Low-fat cheese.
Michel: Low-fat American cheese.
Lorelai: Low-fat American cheese.
Michel: And a meringue cookie.
Lorelai: Just get over here.
Michel: Fine.
Quote from Lorelai
Mrs. Burdiness: Don't worry about being late for your next class. I'll write you a note if you want.
Rory: Okay.
Mrs. Burdiness: I know from your records you're a stickler for punctuality.
Lorelai: I am a stickler, yes. I only slipped one time last year. I hit a deer. Actually, he hit me. Or she did. Or not me, my car. But, um, then he or she ran away, and I think it turned out okay. I didn't see it again, so I can't definitively say. But I did look for him or her. [sighs] It's a big story for me. I'm surprised I don't tell it better.
Quote from Rory
Lorelai: He pulled out a file and told me I was a bad Chilton Mom.
Rory: He did not.
Lorelai: I don't participate in school activities.
Rory: Well, you work.
Lorelai: And I don't make posters.
Rory: You have no artistic capabilities.
Lorelai: I don't chaperon school dances.
Rory: Does he know you got pregnant at 16?
Quote from Rory
Rory: God! You're like a pop-up book from hell.
Paris: You were sitting with the Puffs. How did you do it?
Rory: The who?
Paris: The Puffs. The Chilton Puffs. You were at their table and I want to know how.
Rory: I don't know. I just sat down.
Paris: Nobody just sits down with them. You have to be invited.
Rory: Paris, it's not the Costa Nostra.