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Farewell, My Pet

‘Farewell, My Pet’

Season 7, Episode 14 - Aired February 13, 2007

Michel is devastated by the death of one of his dogs, Chin Chin. Lorelai confronts Christopher about not being there when Richard had his heart attack. Meanwhile, Rory returns to Yale.

Quote from Paris

Paris: What I'm trying to say is, he's changed. You changed him. It's amazing. I'm rarely this wrong.
Rory: Well, thanks.
Paris: Don't get me wrong. Doyle was quite the ladies' man, as well. Now, he's down for the count. The other night, he wanted to play "Let's think up baby names" in bed.
Rory: Really?
Paris: Yeah. I mean, let's face it. We took two wild stallions, and we broke them.
Rory: I don't think I really "broke" Logan.
Paris: Oh, you broke him. You broke him hard. You can open the gate, and he's not going to bolt. You can kick him with a spur, and he's not going to spook. You own him.


Quote from Lorelai

Michel: Please sit down. Okay, I'm ready to hear your ideas for the funeral.
Lorelai: Okay. Um... gosh, our ideas. Well, we've got so many ideas.
Sookie: So, so many. Why don't you start with, uh, the ideas?
Lorelai: Okay. Um, well, first of all, we thought... we'd put him in a box.
Michel: A box?!
Lorelai: A bag?
Michel: A bag?!
Lorelai: Sorry, animal disposal is not my area of expertise.

Quote from Michel

Michel: I assume there are no stationery selections for me to choose from yet.
Lorelai: Not yet.
Michel: You know what, who cares? Why don't we just use fax paper? And why not print them out on the computer? After all, it's just a dog.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: [on the phone] You're going to Grandpa's class sans Grandpa?
Rory: Yes, and I'm kind of dreading it. I only signed up for this class because Grandpa was teaching it. I'm not naturally econ crazy.
Lorelai: Is anyone really econ crazy?
Rory: Oh, yeah. First thing I learned last semester. People find the gross national product endlessly fascinating.
Lorelai: Weird.
Rory: Blew my mind.

Quote from Michel

Michel: Lorelai, I specifically sent out a memo asking that all pillows featuring cats be removed from the library.
Lorelai: What?
Michel: The cat pillows, they're still there!
Lorelai: Ah, yeah, I'll take care of it, I promise.
Michel: And you have to talk to Sookie.
Lorelai: What about?
Michel: I asked her about the final menu. She said she didn't have it yet. I said "when can I expect it?" She said she wasn't sure. I said, "might I ask what you are planning?" And she said - and I quote - "Let's see what's left over at the end of the day, and I'll whip up something delicious." Leftovers! Why even bother? Is it too much to ask that the passing of my beloved dog be marked by food that has been prepared specifically with that occasion in mind?

Quote from Paris

Paris: Let's see. Gender Trouble, Judith Butler. It should be here.
Rory: Are you sure this is where you hid it?
Paris: Of course. I had an aunt Judy who loved to travel, hence the travel section. Then I used my standard covert alphabetizing system using the third letter of the author's last name, "T," followed by the third letter of the author's first name, "D." So it should be right here, after Tabin but before Thoreau. I don't understand why it's not here.
Rory: Okay, I'm gonna go check the women's studies section again, see if I can find a used copy, just in case.
Paris: Wait a minute. This whole shelf is a mess. Why is Congwen Shen before Tony Griffiths? Excuse me. You. Come over here and explain yourself.

Quote from Paris

Paris: Here. It's used, but luckily, the previous owner was a dimwit slacker who only made it through chapter one.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: So all I'm saying is that you broke up with Luke and immediately started dating Christopher. And I know you're over it, and I know you've moved on, but all those feelings for Luke didn't just disappear overnight, right? That's what I'm saying.
Lorelai: Of course they didn't.
Sookie: It's just, you moved really quickly.
Lorelai: Yes, I moved quickly to a man I love who loves me, who wanted to marry me. When Luke and I were together, he was kind and loyal and thoughtful. The guy built me an ice-skating rink, for god's sake.
Sookie: God, I forgot about that.
Lorelai: But he was also distant and uncommunicative, and he didn't want to marry me. And I tried everything I could to work it out. Of course I have feelings for him. That's what Christopher's responding to, and that's why, in order to save my marriage, the only thing I can do is cut Luke out, right?
Sookie: Right. I'm sorry, it's just, I have a but.
Lorelai: Yes?
Sookie: [sighs] If there were no Luke... No Luke in the past, no Luke in the picture...
Lorelai: Yeah?
Sookie: Well, would it be Christopher? Would he be "the one"?

Quote from Michel

Lorelai: We didn't need a song that necessarily had dogs in the lyrics, right, Michel?
Michel: Whatever. David Bowie sounds like a hoot.
Lorelai: More Princess Diana, less dog.
Zach: So you want Elton John?
Lorelai: We were thinking very dignified. Bach, Mozart...
Michel: Celine Dion.
Lorelai: Or Celine Dion.
Zach: Oh, please don't make me do that.
Michel: After all, "My Heart Will Go On" was Chin Chin's favorite song.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: It's not just Luke.
Christopher: Lor.
Lorelai: I mean, you were right. There are feelings there, because... When that ended, I just jumped.
Christopher: I pushed you.
Lorelai: I jumped. But if that's all there was... If that's all it was, we could fix it, you know with time.
Christopher: But it's not.
Lorelai: [shakes head] You've always been this possibility for me this wonderful possibility. But it's just not right. And I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Christopher: Yeah. I guess I should have known, huh? It took me 20 years to get you to say yes.
Lorelai: I need you to know that you're the man I want to want.
Christopher: I know.
Lorelai: [sobs] You have no idea how badly I wish I do.
Christopher: I do know. I do.

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