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Quote from Paris in Farewell, My Pet

Paris: Let's see. Gender Trouble, Judith Butler. It should be here.
Rory: Are you sure this is where you hid it?
Paris: Of course. I had an aunt Judy who loved to travel, hence the travel section. Then I used my standard covert alphabetizing system using the third letter of the author's last name, "T," followed by the third letter of the author's first name, "D." So it should be right here, after Tabin but before Thoreau. I don't understand why it's not here.
Rory: Okay, I'm gonna go check the women's studies section again, see if I can find a used copy, just in case.
Paris: Wait a minute. This whole shelf is a mess. Why is Congwen Shen before Tony Griffiths? Excuse me. You. Come over here and explain yourself.

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