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Concert Interruptus

‘Concert Interruptus’

Season 1, Episode 13 - Aired February 15, 2001

After Rory is paired with Paris, Louise and Madeline on a school debate team, Lorelai suggests inviting the girls along to a Bangles concert.

Quote from Paris

Paris: So here's how it should go: Madeline will do the introductions, I'll handle the debate Rory will do the conclusion, and Louise will take questions.
Rory: Why do you automatically get to handle the debate?
Paris: Because I'm the most experienced at it.
Madeline: Trust me, you want her to handle it. She never gives up.
Louise: [French accent] Le pit bull.


Quote from Paris

Louise: So what is all this stuff?
Lorelai: It's for a big town rummage sale.
Madeline: Like a charity thing?
Rory: Yeah. There's an old bridge falling apart, and the town's trying to save it.
Louise: Cool hat.
Paris: Put that down. It's used.
Louise: Vintage, dear.
Paris: Filthy, darling.

Quote from Rory

Madeline: There's a store near my therapist's office who has the best vintage clothes. I found an original Pucci top for practically nothing.
Louise: Oh, Pucci is very big right now.
Madeline: Is this a Pucci?
Rory: No, that's a Patty.
Louise: A Patty?
Rory: Miss Patty. She's a dance teacher here. These are some of her old costumes.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: Well, Rachel liked to move around a lot. She was a very adventurous person. She loved to climb things, and fling herself off cliffs and dive into these really tiny lakes and ride big wild horses, and fly planes.
Lorelai: So she was Wonder Woman.
Sookie: She was to Luke. I thought they were gonna get married.
Lorelai: What happened?
Sookie: The rumor is that Stars Hollow was too small for her. She wanted to live somewhere more exciting.
Lorelai: But Luke didn't.
Sookie: Eh, you know Luke. Lived here all his life. He wouldn't even go away to college. I think we're gonna have to bury him in that diner.

Quote from Paris

Paris: We'll need the actual quotes, so learn them by heart.
Madeline: What about using notecards?
Paris: Notecards look sloppy. We will know our information.
Madeline: But the other teams will use notecards.
Paris: And they other teams will lose.

Quote from Paris

Louise: Hey, how old is your mom, anyway?
Rory: Thirty-two.
Madeline: Young.
Louise: So that means she had you when she was...
Paris: 16. She had her when she was 16. We've done the math. Can we "ooh" and "ah" about this quickly and get to work?
Louise: Sixteen. I'm sixteen.
Madeline: So am I.
Paris: We're all 16, okay. Everybody in this room is 16.
Rory: Paris is right. We should work.
Paris: Thank you.

Quote from Paris

Louise: I can't imagine having a baby at 16.
Paris: Well, then keep your knees shut.
Madeline: Do you think your mom is sorry she got pregnant so young?
Paris: Of course she is.
Rory: Why, thank you.
Paris: I didn't mean that. I just meant...
Rory: I mean, I don't think she'd recommend it but I think she's happy with how things turned out.
Lorelai: I am?
Rory: Yes, you are.

Quote from Rory

Paris: We're never going to finish.
Louise: I find your mother completely fascinating.
Rory: Funny. So does she.
Paris: It's almost like having a big sister.
Madeline: And you like her, don't you?
Rory: She's my best friend.
Louise: Truly, completely fascinating.

Quote from Rory

Lorelai: Hey, how's it going in there?
Rory: Truly, completely fascinating.
Lorelai: Really?
Rory: Well, we've basically gotten no work done at all. Paris is having a meltdown, which, by the way, is always fun.
Lorelai: Sounds it.
Rory: And, I don't know, we've just been talking.
Lorelai: Well, I think you're actually making some friends here.
Rory: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. They've basically just moved off the plan to dump the pig's blood on me at prom. That's all.
Lorelai: Talking, chatting, no work being done. There's friend potential going on.
Rory: Maybe. With Louise and Madeline, at least.
Lorelai: Two out of three formerly psychotic enemies. Not bad.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: You have been talking about the concert since you heard about it.
Lorelai: I can still go.
Rory: How?
Lorelai: Sookie and I can buy cheap seats when we get there.
Rory: These tickets are ninth row, aisle. Dream seats.
Lorelai: Look, you don't have to do this. But I just think you have three years of Chilton ahead of you and it might be nice to have some friendly type people to talk to there. And I don't know, you seem to be getting along. It might be good. And I totally don't mind, I just wanna see the show. I don't care from what seat.
Rory: Are you sure?
Lorelai: Completely sure.

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