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Ballrooms and Biscotti

‘Ballrooms and Biscotti’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired September 23, 2003

After returning from their trip around Europe, Lorelai and Rory race through a list of things to do before Rory starts at Yale.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Mom, I made a deal. This is why I get to go to Yale. I can't back out. It's our last night. I have to go. You don't have to, but I do.
Lorelai: What do you mean I don't have to go?
Rory: I was very clear when I made this deal that it was only for me.
Lorelai: You're right, I don't have to go. Boy, that's an oddly liberating feeling. I don't have to go. I don't have to go. I do not have to go to dinner.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: Hang on, I'm not done. I do not have to go ever if I'm not in the mood.
Rory: Mom.
Lorelai: I'm not going.


Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: You go and you eat really fast and then get out of there. Meet me back here 9:30, 10 at the latest, and we'll do Godfather I - through "Monday, Tuesday, Thursday," - and a quick Sofia dying.
Rory: Deal.
Lorelai: Remember, eat fast.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Okay, that's it. I humiliate myself at least six times a year for this town, and just because I'm going to Yale, that's not going to stop. Now the reason I am not the Ice Cream Queen is because Taylor never asked me. I didn't know about it, and that's why I was busy. Now I love this town, I will be back in that ridiculous pilgrim outfit at Thanksgiving, so everybody just get off my back. [scattered applause]

Quote from Emily

Emily: So, where is your mother tonight? Not sick, I hope.
Rory: Oh, no, she's fine. She just had some things to do.
Emily: Ah, things.
Rory: Errands, actually.
Emily: Errands, of course.
Rory: But she'll be here next week, and she says she's looking forward to it.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Lorelai had chores to do tonight.
Richard: Chores?
Emily: Errands, you know.
Richard: Errands?
Emily: Yes, that's why she didn't come, she had to run errands. But she'll be here next week, and she's looking forward to it. Isn't that nice?
Richard: I suppose.
Emily: I think so, too.

Quote from Richard

Rory: We got something for you, too, Grandpa.
Richard: Well, I guess you're not the only one who gets a treat tonight.
Emily: Oh, and just when I thought I was special.
Richard: Look at that. That's beautiful.
Rory: We found this amazing pipe store in Copenhagen and the man there can carve anything you want. His family's been doing it for over a hundred and fifty years. And they had a whole set of Alice in Wonderland pipes that Mom wanted to get, but they were way too expensive so we just got the Queen of Hearts.
Richard: Well, I love it.
Emily: Yes, and you're gonna love it outside on the patio.
Richard: As you wish, my dear.

Quote from Emily

Rory: Souffle?
Emily: Yes, we're going to have a special dessert, something to celebrate your homecoming.
Richard: Well, why didn't she put it in the oven when we sat down to dinner? Those things take forever to cook.
Emily: You know, every time we go to Paris, I marvel at their ability to turn a simple meal into a three or four hour event. Makes every day seem like a party. So tonight, I thought we'd be European. I thought maybe we'd have a cheese plate before dessert and coffee. How does that sound? Bon?
Rory: Oh, yes. Very... bon.

Quote from Emily

Emily: Rory, have you ever seen a ballroom dancing competition?
Rory: No.
Emily: You would love it. It is so exciting, and the costumes are beautiful. I've been taping them since 1978. Can you imagine?
Rory: No.
Emily: All right, then. After dessert, you and I are going to hunker down in that den that we never use and I am pulling out those tapes. We'll just start at the beginning and see how far we get.

Quote from Lorelai

Luke: Jeez, you think you go to a fancy school like Yale there'd be a mattress in the room.
Lorelai: Yeah. Go figure, huh?
Luke: You packed her stuff in Hefty bags?
Lorelai: Hey, she's lucky I even had these in the house.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Well, look on the bright side. I mean, now that you've been married, it'll silence all those questions.
Luke: What questions?
Lorelai: You know, a single man of a certain age who lives alone.
Luke: You're kidding.
Lorelai: Hey, I always defended you. I always said, "Hey, so what if he is?"
Luke: Thank you for your support.

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