Chandler Quote #703

Quote from Chandler in The One with the Ballroom Dancing

Monica: Is this a gym card?
Chandler: Oh, yeah, gym member. I try to go four times a week, but I've missed the last 1200 times.


 ‘The One with the Ballroom Dancing’ Quotes

Quote from Monica

Rachel: You got us evicted?
Monica: I told you not to go down there.
Joey: He made Rachel cry.
Monica: Rachel always cries!
Rachel: [sobbing] That's not true.

Quote from Phoebe

Interviewee: So it looks like you've got great experience here. Let's see. Reason for leaving last job?
Phoebe: Yeah, they thought I was a whore.
Interviewee: Okay. We'll give you a call if anything comes up.
Phoebe: Great. Thank you very much.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: Hey, Mr. Treeger.
Mr. Treeger: What are you doing?
Rachel: I'm sorry. It's a little old but ... [opens the pizza box she was throwing away]
Mr. Treeger: You're clogging up the chute I just spent a half-hour unclogging.
Rachel: I'm sorry. I don't come in here a lot.
Mr. Treeger: Of course you don't because you're a little princess. Daddy, buy me a pizza. Daddy, buy me a candy factory. Daddy, make the cast of Cats sing "Happy Birthday" to me. You think you can just come here make a mess and a big man in coveralls will come and clean it up? Well, why don't you think of someone else for a change?
Rachel: [sobbing] Okay, I'm sorry.
[Rachel returns to the apartment with the pizza box]
Monica: God, if you're going to cry about it!