Rachel Quote #126

Quote from Rachel in The One with Phoebe's Husband

Rachel: It's open, you guys. Can I help you?
Duncan: I'm looking for Phoebe. Does she still live here?
Rachel: No, she doesn't. But I can get a message to her.
Duncan: Great. Just tell her her husband stopped by.
Rachel: Her what? [Rachel accidentally removes the lid from the pan, the pigeon flies out]
Duncan: How did you do that?


 ‘The One with Phoebe's Husband’ Quotes

Quote from Chandler

Ross: So does it do anything, you know, special?
Chandler: Why, yes, Ross. Pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance to the magical land of Narnia.

Quote from Joey

Joey: Here I come. See, I'm coming to fix the copier. I can't get to the copier. I'm thinking, "What do I do? What do I do?" So I just watch them have sex. Then I say, wait, here's my line! "You know, that's bad for the paper tray."
Chandler: Nice work, my friend!
Joey: Wait, you see me again. Hang on, the guy's butt's blocking me. There I am. There I am. There I am. There I am.

Quote from Chandler

Phoebe: I'm meeting Duncan. He's skating tonight at the Garden. He's in the Capades.
Joey: The lce Capades?
Chandler: No, the Gravel Capades. Yeah, the turns aren't as fast, but when Snoopy falls? Funny.