Chandler Quote #1953

Quote from Chandler in The One with Rachel's Going Away Party

Monica: We're moving in a couple of days and we've got a lot of packing to do. It would be great if you guys could pitch in.
Chandler: Joey and I can finish up in the guest room.
Joey: Oh, yeah, yeah, good idea. [Joey gestures getting punched in the head]
Monica: Oh no. You and Phoebe are gonna help me in here.
Chandler: You couldn't be cool.


 ‘The One with Rachel's Going Away Party’ Quotes

Quote from Monica

Ross: Oh man, I can't believe you guys are leaving this place.
Monica: Oh, I know, I know. Hey, you know you could take it if you want. The lease is still in Nana's name.
Ross: No, no. This will always be your place. It would be too sad. Plus, how much a month does it cost to feed Joey?
Monica: Yeah, it takes two incomes.

Quote from Rachel

Rachel: Mon, okay, I've gotta just say what it is I'm gonna say. None of the amazing things that happened to me in the last ten years would have happened if it wasn't for you. No one has been more like a sister to me.
Monica: I know what you mean. You are like a sister to me too.

Quote from Joey

Joey: You know, I had a chance to stop her too.
Chandler: Yeah?
Joey: Who loses 57 coin tosses in a row? You know, heads she wins, tails I lose. ... Wait a minute.
Chandler: Yes, Joe?
Joey: I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning.