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To Tell the Truth

‘To Tell the Truth’

Season 6, Episode 15 -  Aired February 18, 1999

After Maris's lawyers attempt to string out the divorce proceedings, Niles turns to an aggressive new lawyer. As the depositions finally get underway, Niles is afraid his fascination with Daphne is about to be uncovered.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Niles, please, come out here. Now, come on.
Niles: Why should I? There's nothing for me out there. It's all lawyers and ex-wives and broken hearts. All I have to contend with under here is a couple of dust bunnies. A few cobwebs. Some kind of a nest. Dear God, doesn't your vacuum come with any attachments?


Quote from Martin

Frasier: You know, I can't believe you're being so casual about this. Do you realize you're asking me to do something completely unethical?
Martin: Oh, for God's sake, nobody's even going to know.
Frasier: Yes, but that's the point. Ethics are what we do when no one else is looking. For heaven's sake, I learned that from you. Are you saying you wouldn't have any trouble with this?
Martin: Niles? Here. [throws him the cloth]
Niles: Thank you.
Martin: [to Frasier] Let me tell you something. One time when I was on the force, I saw a guy shoot somebody. When we caught him, I started to read him his rights, but he slipped out of his cuffs and he swung at me so I didn't get a chance to finish. Two months later, I'm on the stand, and his lawyer asks me if I read his rights in full. Now, if I say no this guy walks, and this guy has been in and out of jail all his life, he could have read me his rights. So I say, "Yes, I did. I read them in full." I lied under oath. Now, you might think that I did an unethical thing, but there's not a doubt in my mind that I did the right thing.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Well, Dad, I'm still not sure what I'm going to do.
Martin: Why do you have to make everything so complicated?
Frasier: I don't know. I just know that I'm never going to figure out anything with you barking in my ear.
Martin: Well, where are you going?
Frasier: To get some air.
Martin: Oh, yeah, yeah, run away, just like you always do. [to Niles, still under the piano] Boy, I sometimes don't understand your brother. I guess some of us can deal with a tough situation head on, and others just need an escape.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Daphne's still in the conference room. The place is slithering with Maris's lawyers.
Niles: Never a mongoose around when you need one.

Quote from Niles

Donny: I want a word alone with your brother here.
Frasier: Right. Uh, I wish there was something I could do, Niles.
Niles: Well, there is. When you go home this afternoon, leave a bottle of sherry under the piano.

Quote from Niles

Niles: I can't remember the last time I felt this way. The air is sweeter and colors are brighter. It's as if my very senses have come alive.
Frasier: It makes perfect sense, Niles. You've just won your life back.
Niles: Oh, wait, Frasier, watch this! [stops a passing waiter] Excuse me? Today's special blend... [sniffs the air] Jamaican Blue Mountain.
Waiter: Yes, it is.
Frasier: Niles, that's very good. That's my favorite. Well done.
Niles: Beans were gathered on the shady side of the northern slope...
Frasier: Don't push it.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: I still can't believe this is all over. And I never dreamed I'd get a settlement like that. I'll be able to get my
whole life back. My apartment, my car. And I owe it all to one amazing man.
Frasier: Well, thank you, Niles, but I can't take all the credit. [laughs] I know, you're thinking of Donny.
Niles: Well, don't think I'm not grateful for all you did.
Frasier: You know, actually, to tell the truth, if it hadn't been for me badgering you to change your lawyers, Donny Douglas never would have come into your life.
[Frasier sees Daphne enter the cafe on the arms of Donny]
Frasier: Of course, we mustn't forget Roz's part in all of this.
Niles: Waiter. [to Frasier] Who understands why anything happens? I mean, it's remarkable how completely one's life can change in an instant-
[Niles turns around and sees Daphne and Donny kissing]
Frasier: Oh, Niles.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Listen to us. We sound like an old married couple.
Donny: I know. You know, Frasier, if you hadn't brought Niles to the office, then, ah, none of this would have happened. I guess I owe you one.
Frasier: Well, now, we mustn't forget Roz's part in all of this.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Well, Roz. Oh, baby pictures?
Roz: Actually, these aren't the most flattering.
Frasier: Oh, nonsense. Baby Alice couldn't possibly take a bad picture. Oh, well, that's just adorable, the
silly little one with the jam all over her face.
Roz: Well, actually that's not jam, Frasier. It's baby eczema.
Frasier: Oh. Well, don't worry about that. That sort of thing is bound to clear up. [looking at the next picture] Or spread.
Roz: Just give them back.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Hello, all.
Frasier: Niles.
Niles: Ooh, baby pictures!
Roz: Oh, I really don't want anyone to look at those.
Niles: Well, I don't know why not. Botticelli himself couldn't have painted a more perfect angel.
Roz: Thank you, Niles. She is precious, isn't she?
[Niles gives Frasier a pained look, to which Frasier mouths "I know"]

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