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Sweet Dreams

‘Sweet Dreams’

Season 5, Episode 24 - Aired May 19, 1998

After Frasier chickens out of a public protest when the police start arresting people, he questions when he became so timid and risk-averse. Determined to act more boldly, Frasier stands up to the new station manager.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Now, it would be a great risk to hire Kenny back, but I'm here to tell you that the man who stops taking risks in life pays a very dear price indeed. I know whereof I speak. I can see that I'm getting through to you, so let me just leave you with one last question: What kind of radio station do you want?
Joe: You know, Dr. Crane, that is the exact question I've been asking myself all through that board meeting. As you know, our ratings are down and the number crunchers in there think they can fix this thing by sucking up to our sponsors. Ha, ha, well that's not what I think.
Frasier: Bravo!
Joe: Thanks to you, I'm going with my gut on this one.
Frasier: You bet you are.
Joe: I'm going to march right in there and tell them that we're doing it my way. No more talk.
Frasier: Exactly, action.
Joe: No. No more talk radio. From this moment on, the station is all Latina music, all the time.
Frasier: I beg your pardon?
Joe: Thank you, Dr. Crane, I'm going back to my roots. I may have walked out of that meeting Joe Martin, corporate sellout. But I'm walking back in José Martinez, risk-taker.


Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: Hi, I'm Bulldog Briscoe.
Gil: And I'm Gil Chesterton. When Bulldog and I are out on the town together...
Bulldog: Whether it's opening night at the opera...
Gil: Or rooting our Mariners to victory...
Bulldog: We always round of the evening in the same way: With a nice relaxing cup of "Happy Dreams" tea.
Gil: Mmmm.
Bulldog: We're making some right now. How many lumps do you like, Gil?
Gil: One, please. [Bulldog hits two wooden blocks together] Ouch! Gets me every time.
Bulldog: "Happy Dreams" tea, one cup, you'll have happy dreams the whole night through. [after finishing] Yes, perfect. One take.
Gil: Well, my ouch could be a bit more convincing.
[Bulldog presses record and slaps Gil around the back of the head]
Bulldog: We'll splice that in later.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: All right, move it. Person waiting for the booth here. [honks horn]
Frasier: That is not amusing when you do it in the men's room, it's not amusing now.

Quote from Bulldog

Gil: All ready then, Bulldog?
Roz: What are you two doing?
Bulldog: We're recording an ad for a new sponsor. We've only got a minute here so scram both of ya! Oh, by the way, Roz, baby or no baby, your ass has never looked better.

Quote from Roz

Roz: How sick is that?
Frasier: Oh, he's just being Bulldog.
Roz: No, that I liked hearing it.

Quote from Roz

Frasier: What the hell was that?
Roz: It's the new station manager's idea. They're getting some of the on-air talent to record commercials for the new sponsors. You're not disappointed he didn't ask you to do it, are you?
Frasier: Oh, yes Roz, about as disappointed as I was when that hypnotist at the Christmas party picked them to come up on stage and groom each other like monkeys.
Roz: Oh, yeah, you were really lucked out at that party. He didn't make you do anything silly. No, sir. [laughs]
Frasier: Roz.

Quote from Frasier

Protest Leader Hey, this is great. Look, everybody, it's Dr. Frasier Crane from the radio. [crowd cheers]
Frasier: Hello. Good to see you.
Protest Leader Dr. Crane, would you like to say a few words?
Frasier: Well, all right. Well, I'll keep it simple. Be strong, people. Our cause is just. To the barricades! [crowd cheers]

Quote from Frasier

Cop: Disperse now or we will take action.
Frasier: What do you suppose they mean by that?
Protest Leader We're not going anywhere, are we?
All except Frasier: No!
Frasier: You don't think they're talking about a jail sort of thing here, do you?
Daphne: Who knows? Exciting, isn't it?
Protest Leader They're going to have to drag us out of here, aren't they?
All except Frasier: Yeah!
Frasier: They don't actually drag people away anymore, do they?
Protest Leader They're too afraid to arrest us, aren't they?
All except Frasier: Yeah!
Frasier: Well, now you're just provoking them.

Quote from Frasier

Protest Leader All right people, you had your warning.
Frasier: They weren't kidding. Well, there goes the first lucky martyrs to our cause. Well, at the rate they're dragging people away there'll be nobody left to protest. You know, Daphne, I better go get some reinforcement.
Daphne: Dr. Crane, Dr. Crane! Where are you going?
Frasier: Solidarity, brothers!

Quote from Frasier

Patrick: "Anyway, we've been fighting a lot and she's never in the mood for sex anymore. I think she must be having an affair."
Frasier: Now, now, Patrick. Let's not give in to paranoia. Just because your wife is avoiding sex lately it doesn't mean she's being unfaithful. You said yourself you haven't been talking lately. Why don't you try reopening the lines of communication tonight by surprising her with a nice romantic dinner?
Patrick: "Tonight's no good, she's working late on her boss's boat again. But tomorrow's okay, thanks, Dr. Crane."

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