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Sleeping with the Enemy

‘Sleeping with the Enemy’

Season 3, Episode 6 - Aired November 14, 1995

Frasier and Kate are caught in a charged stand-off when he leads a revolt against station management.

Quote from Daphne

Frasier: What about her? Maybe she's been harboring feelings for me. Is it possible that she could have been lusting after me all this time?
Martin: Oh, it could be. But, you know, you were in the middle of a negotiation. Maybe she laid that smackeroo on you just to rattle your brain.
Niles: Dad has a point. Your musk-drenched animal magnetism aside, it's quite possible that she was simply manipulating you.
Frasier: Oh, I hardly think so. The woman's passion ... seemed genuine.
Daphne: Yes, it always does.


Quote from Noel

Frasier: Look, look, you know er, I, I think you should listen to Roz. Every year in exchange for your hard work you receive a five percent raise. Now, you've fulfilled your part of the bargain; she has blithely changed the deal.
Noel: In the 'hood, they call that "being dissed."
Frasier: Yes, my streetwise friend.

Quote from Bulldog

[Bulldog leaves Frasier's kitchen with a beer. He goes over to Martin's chair, where Eddie is sitting]
Bulldog: Hey, beat it.
[Eddie barks]
[Bulldog barks. Eddie runs away.]
Bulldog: Hey, if you can't run with the Bulldog, stay on the porch.

Quote from Martin

Frasier: Niles, this is not a party; and Dad, that is fourteen-dollar-a-pound andouille sausage.
Martin: Wow. Means Eddie ate about thirty bucks' worth.

Quote from Bulldog

Frasier: The wage freeze is unwarranted. It is simply a ploy of an overly ambitious station manager, and typical of this woman! She has terrorized us, she has tampered with our shows. It's time we said no tothis Princess of Darkness!
Bulldog: I got a better idea. Why don't we just walk up to Mike Tyson and tell him he talks funny?

Quote from Niles

Niles: She blames me, Dad. She said it's from the stress I caused her last night when I thoughtlessly turned on the light while she was getting undressed.

Quote from Frasier

Daphne: Oh! Good evening, Dr Crane! Oh, let me take that for you. [takes his coat and goes to hang it up] fter
all, you are the friend of the working man!
Frasier: Thank you, Daphne.
Daphne: Defender of the little people.
Frasier: Alright, Daphne.
Daphne: [hanging Frasier's coat on the hook] Standing up to the boss on behalf of the downtrodden. Selflessly risking your own.
Frasier: Don't you have some meat to boil?

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Oh, our beloved station manager decided we're not getting our raise this year.
Frasier: What? This is an outrage! I have a contract!
Roz: Don't palpitate, it doesn't apply to the on-air talent.
Frasier: Oh, thank God.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Real supportive, Frasier. We've been getting that raise every year, and now this Nazi in nylons comes waltzing in here and cancels it with some vague crap about corporate belt-tightening. This isn't fair.
Frasier: Oh, oh, actually you're right. Er, you- Maybe you should tell her what you just told me. Er, except I would leave out the "Nazi in nylons" bit. It's not your best icebreaker.

Quote from Roz

Roz: Oh, you're damn right we're gonna tell her!We've all been here a hell of a lot longer than she has! [the crowd cheer]
Frasier: That's right!
Roz: She pushes us, we push back! [silence] She's standing right behind me, isn't she?
Kate: Yeah.

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