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Semi-Decent Proposal

‘Semi-Decent Proposal’

Season 8, Episode 21 - Aired May 15, 2001

When Frasier meets an enchanting woman at an electronics store, he is surprised to learn she is friends with Lana, the former cheerleader from his high school whom he briefly dated.

Quote from Frasier

Lana: I'm sorry, I'm-I'm being snappy. It's just... I-I guess I just always thought that I'd be the one who got remarried first, you know? Now everybody's just going to feel sorry for me. Oh God, I hope I don't run into anybody I know tonight. And you're not a typical man. You're very thoughtful. Forgive me?
Frasier: Yes, I'm afraid I do. Oh, gosh. You know, I-I do know another little Italian place that I think you might really enjoy just as much - well, what do you say?
Lana: Great, sounds great.
Frasier: Okay.
Lana: You know, it's funny, as much as I hate the thought of my birthday, I'm kind of hurt that none of my friends asked me to do anything. I mean, not like I wanted a party, but, well, something would have been nice. [Frasier pulls the car over] Okay, okay, Frasier, you know what, just because I'm vulnerable doesn't mean you're getting some!
Frasier: No. Listen, fifty of your friends are sitting in Bella Lucia right now, wearing party hats and waiting to yell, "Surprise!" Do you want to go or not?
Lana: [overjoyed] My friends are throwing me a surprise party?
Frasier: That's right.
Lana: And you tell me and ruin it?!


Quote from Frasier

Lana: Frasier, you tricked me, you awful thing.
Frasier: It wasn't easy, you nightmarish carp.

Quote from Frasier

Claire: Thanks for getting her here.
Frasier: Well...
Claire: How did you manage to keep it a secret?
Frasier: Well, as a psychiatrist, discretion happens to be the cornerstone of my profession.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Uh, may I get you a drink?
Claire: Yes. Uh, a martini, two olives.
Frasier: Ah. I knew it. Kierkegaard?
Claire: Love him.
Frasier: Don't move.

Quote from Daphne

Roz: Daphne, you go next, and think of something juicier than that.
Daphne: Oh, well, um, mine's also a youthful indiscretion. I stole a teddy bear from the shops.
Roz: Then what?
Daphne: Well, I felt guilty, so I told my parents and we brought it back. Then as a penance, I... volunteered to work at the orphanage after school.
Roz: What the hell was that? I'd put that story on my resume.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Hi. How you doing?
Lana: Everybody's leaving.
Frasier: Well, it's getting late.
Lana: It's 9:30! Let's face it, I drove them all off. Even I'm sick of hearing me complain about Bob.
Frasier: No, come on, it's not all that bad. I mean, listen, you know, Bob is in the past. I mean, just look at all the friends you have. I know you've had a bit of a tough time lately, but it'll end soon. You're a vibrant, attractive woman.
Lana: Thanks, Frasier. You're being awfully sweet to me. Don't think this means you're getting any.

Quote from Frasier

Lana: Threw a gutter ball, huh?
Frasier: Thanks to you, you introduced them.
Lana: Well, you played it all wrong. You were hanging on her all night.
Frasier: So was he, but he left with her.
Lana: It won't last. She's probably sick of him already.
Frasier: Lot of good that does me. I blew it.
Lana: Not necessarily. I mean, I think you guys could make a great couple. In fact, I might be able to help you out there.
Frasier: Really? Would you?
Lana: Well, I could, but you know I get asked that all the time, and if I did it for you, then I'd have to do it for everybody, and I just don't know if I want to open those floodgates. You know what I mean?
Frasier: I think I do.

Quote from Frasier

Niles: You sure Daphne will like this one?
Frasier: Oh, it's perfect, Niles. Look, it even says on the box, "for the perfect DVD viewing experience."
Niles: What do you suppose "multi-angle capability" means?
Frasier: Well, it means that the remote control will respond from any angle.
Claire: Not to intrude, but actually it means you can see a scene from different camera angles.
Niles: Oh, thank you.
Frasier: Oh, I-I was just, uh, teasing him. You see, my brother's technologically challenged.

Quote from Niles

Claire: If you're, uh, new to DVD, you might want to rent the director's cut of "Das Boot." It's amazing. I mean, if you don't mind subtitles.
Frasier: Mind them? I prefer them. In fact, I-I do speak a-a bit of German, so in this case they might actually be a distraction.
Claire: Really? I speak German, too.
Niles: You know, if anyone's technologically challenged, it's you.
Frasier: He's a bit defensive. Nimm ihn einfach ncht zur Kenntnis.
Claire: [responds in German]
Niles: You thought your CD-ROM drive was a cup holder.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: Oh dear, it's Lana, it's Lana.
Niles: Where, where?
Frasier: Oh my God. No, no, just turn around. Turn around. [whispering] I don't know why the woman frightens me.
Niles: Well, she should frighten you, she was prom queen.

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