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Seat of Power

‘Seat of Power’

Season 2, Episode 11 -  Aired December 13, 1994

After Frasier and Niles fail in their attempt to fix a faulty toilet, they call in the professionals and get a chance to confront their childhood bullies.

Quote from Martin

Martin: This is why I never took any home movies. You two realize what a couple of delicate doilies you are? Sheesh, you don't even know the meaning of the word self-reliant. Thank God there's not a national disaster happening, you'd be helpless.


Quote from Niles

Frasier: Yes, very well, lock-nut. You see Niles, until today, you didn't even know what a locknut was.
Niles: That Niles is dead. Call me Dutch.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Well then, my next question to you would be "Why would you behave this way?"
Danny: Well, I don't know. I mean, I guess because people thought it was funny.
Niles: I see, I see. So then, to get this validation, you would, say, squeeze my head between your ankles and hop around the lunch room?
Danny: I did that to you?
Niles: Yes. How does that make you feel?
Danny: ... Well, kinda bad!
Niles: The healing has begun.

Quote from Frasier

Billy: Then we made him hula in his underwear in front of all the girls! [Billy bends his head down into the toilet bowl] You shoulda been there!
Frasier: I was there! [lunges at Billy]

Quote from Frasier

Roz: Wait, Frasier. I want to ask you a question, and I want you to give me an honest answer.
Frasier: No, that outfit does not make you look fat.
Roz: Well, that wasn't the question. But why would you think it was?
Frasier: Well, as a rule, when a woman prefaces a question with "I want an honest answer," that's usually the question.

Quote from Roz

Roz: Well, I'm not that insecure.
Frasier: Good. I'm sorry, you were right. Your question, please.
Roz: Would you say the back of my head is unattractive?
Frasier: Roz, have you completely lost your mind?

Quote from Martin

Martin: Ah, got you again, huh? You're such a soft touch.
Frasier: I am not.
Martin: Well, he never begs while I'm eating.
Frasier: Maybe he doesn't like what you're eating.
Martin: Trust me, he's not picky. I saw him eat a beetle.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: You know Niles, working with our hands like this, I'm reminded of that glorious tradition of the Amish barn raising. All the men of the village coming together, the mind, the muscle, all toward that one simple, yet extraordinary goal. All right, we are ready to flush.

Quote from Niles

Niles: Don't mind me, just came in for some aspirin. Tannic acid gives me the tiniest headache. That's the price I pay for drinking nothing but expensive wine.

Quote from Niles

Danny: Say, uh, has somebody been trying to fix this thing?
Niles: Not me. I don't even set the clock in my Mercedes E320.

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