Martin Quote #1023

Quote from Martin in The Return of Martin Crane

[flashback to the day Martin was shot:]
Martin: Did I tell you Frasier's not coming home for Thanksgiving?
Frank: Yeah, you did.
Martin: Means I'll have to spend it with Maris and Niles. Last time, she didn't even eat anything. She just sucked air through a rice cake. Boy, he sure picked a winner.


 ‘The Return of Martin Crane’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

[flashback to Martin's later days on the police force:]
Frank: You booted a car just to irritate your kid? Now that's a lot of trouble.
Martin: No, the real trouble was getting four guys to lift it and move it closer to the hydrant.

Quote from Kenny

Kenny: Please, Roz.
Roz: No way!
Kenny: Come on. I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't an emergency.
Frasier: Is everything OK?
Kenny: Yeah, fine, good, everything's good. I'm supposed to stop on the way home and pick up some new... underthings for my wife.
Frasier: So?
Kenny: So? Every time I'm in one of those places I start thinking about... You know... Man-and-wife stuff. I turn all red, I start to sweat, I hyperventilate. Try getting somebody to wait on you when you look like that.
Roz: Well, sorry, Kenny, but I am not going to Victoria's Secret for you.
Kenny: Victoria's Secret? Whoa, whoa, Rockefeller, I'm talking Kmart.

Quote from Frasier

Roz: We have Tom on the phone from Woodenville.
Frasier: Hello, Tom. I'm listening.
Tom: [nervously speaking fast] "Thank God, I thought I'd never get through. Dr. Crane, I'm-I have a problem, and I don't know what to do. I'm supposed to get married soon, but I'm having second thoughts. Do you think it's just cold feet, or-or what?"
Frasier: All right, Tom, just calm down, let's work through this thing together, you and I. Are you in love with this girl?
Tom: "Of course. Yes. I, I think."
Frasier: Now remember, Tom, this is the person with whom you'll be spending the rest of your life. That is a long time.
Tom: "It is, isn't it?"
Frasier: Yes. In fact, getting married is probably the biggest decision you will ever make in your life. It requires time, temperance, and thought.
[The wedding march can be heard from Tom's end of the line]
Frasier: Tom, what's that music?
Tom: "Sorry, Dr. Crane. There's no time to talk. I have to tell Monica the bad news."
Frasier: Wait, wait, wait, Tom, no! [dial tone] Oh, dear. Well, if anyone out there happens to know Monica, just tell her to call in on Monday and I'll move her right to the head of the line. Um. Meanwhile, this is Dr. Frasier Crane, saying good day, and good mental health.