Martin Quote #504

Quote from Martin in Voyage of the Damned

Martin: Boy, that "Taste of Alaska" spread was a bust. You want to know what caribou meat tastes like? Not chicken.


 ‘Voyage of the Damned’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Niles. Niles, what happened? Was that Maris I saw running out of here?
Niles: Yes. She saw Mimi pawing me and assumed the worst. I've got to go speak to her. How upset did she look?
Roz: Oh, I couldn't see anything past the outfit. Who wears a black dress and veil on a cruise?
Frasier: Roz, the woman has virtually no pigmentation. Three minutes in the sun, she'd sear like an ahi tuna!

Quote from Roz

Roz: I don't see her. Maybe she went back out. Oh, wait. I see her coat on a hat rack.
Frasier: Look closer. Is the hat rack moving?
Roz: Oh, my God.

Quote from Niles

Frasier: I thought you were preparing an anniversary dinner for Maris.
Niles: Uh, not this year. Maris has chosen to fly off to a clinic in the Alps for an experimental rejuvenation treatment. Only one man performs the procedure and she wants to see him before he's extradited.