Martin Quote #484

Quote from Martin in The Gift Horse

Frasier: You know, it is a little troubling that you feel more comfortable talking to your horse than you do to your sons.
Niles: Actually, we might be able to help you with what you're going through. The ageing process.
Martin: Now, come on, now, stop it. You see, this is the problem. I know everything you're going to say. First of all, you'll start talking about sixty-five as being some sort of passage. And then you'll start spouting these theories and quoting Freud and who knows what else. Until, by the time you get through analyzing me, I'm going to be sixty-six. Look, when I tell Agides something, you know what he does? Nothing. He just listens to me.
Niles: We listen.
Frasier: That's my slogan, "I'm Listening." You know, Dad, listening is the foundation...


 ‘The Gift Horse’ Quotes

Quote from Frasier

[Frasier returns to his apartment to find the large surround-sound speakers have been erected.]
Frasier: Oh, dear God! It's Stonehenge!

Quote from Niles

Niles: It seems so unhealthy. Isn't she going to serve anything at Dad's party but meat?
Daphne: Sherry says that's what he and his old cronies like best. With drinks, she's serving cocktail franks. For appetizers, we're having a sausage medley. And for the main course, there's a choice of meat loaf or meat balls.
Niles: I assume these colorful balloons are for the between-course angioplasty.

Quote from Frasier

Sherry: Good news. I found a guy who can sculpt an exact replica of Marty's old police badge out of six pounds of liverwurst.
Frasier: Oh. How reminiscent of the cream cheese gavel they gave Thurgood Marshall on his eightieth.