Martin Quote #469

Quote from Martin in Ask Me No Questions

Frasier: Nice cardigan.
Martin: Daphne surprised me with it.
Frasier: You don't seem very happy about it.
Martin: No, well, I'm not. I mean, you just don't give somebody something for no reason, that's my rule.
Frasier: Dad. Spontaneous gift-giving is one of life's great pleasures. Didn't you ever give Mom anything without a warning?
Martin: Yeah, you! Where do you think I got the rule from?


 ‘Ask Me No Questions’ Quotes

Quote from Niles

Niles: That reminds me, yesterday at the café I asked you a question which you deftly avoided answering. Do you think Maris and I are meant to be together?
Frasier: Right, well. That's a tough question. Well, you know, perhaps the better question would be, do you think you and Maris are meant to be together?
Niles: Hmmm. I serve you up a question, you clumsily bat it back to me. We've hardly missed our squash game at all.

Quote from Martin

Martin: What question?
Frasier: Oh. He asked me if I thought he and Maris were meant to be together.
Martin: Well, if you ask me, you should keep your bazoo shut. You're always getting into trouble opening that big bazoo of yours!
Frasier: How wonderful, Dad, we've found a new word to strike from your vocabulary. Along with patootie and bupkis!

Quote from Frasier

Niles: [on the phone] Oh, no, I would love to meet you for lunch but you know what Dr. Deutsch said; no meetings outside our therapy sessions. Oh, now, Maris. [the phone beeps] Hold on, my other line. Hello?
Frasier: [speaking into his phone] Get the hell off the phone!