Frasier Quote #203

Quote from Frasier in Can't Buy Me Love

Frasier: Flake or not, you are in my charge. You should have something nutritious. Now, how about seafood crepes? Lobster Newburg? Corndog dipped in curare?


 ‘Can't Buy Me Love’ Quotes

Quote from Martin

Martin: Well, your date's left, what are you doing still sitting up?
Frasier: Oh, I was just thinking. I was wondering if my sweet little boy's going to turn out to be a monster when he's twelve.
Martin: What the hell brought that up?
Frasier: Oh, it's a long story. Do you really want to hear it?
Martin: Well, it is getting late. Look, all kids are the same. They start out cute, then somewhere along the way they get into that obnoxious, know-it-all stage and you think they'll never grow out of it.
Frasier: But eventually they do?
Martin: I'm still hoping.

Quote from Niles

Niles: She's riding the rails as we speak.
Daphne: If I may ask, why does she take the train instead of flying?
Niles: She's been afraid to fly since her harrowing incident.
Daphne: Oh, dear. Did a plane almost crash?
Niles: No, no, she was bumped from first class. She still wakes up screaming.

Quote from Bulldog

Bulldog: 4 for 17 on Sunday, he calls himself a quarterback? I've passed kidney stones with more accuracy.