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The Nice Talk

‘The Nice Talk’

Season 8, Episode 19 - Aired April 19, 2004

Ray has a nice talk with Amy's mother, Pat (Georgia Engel), while they finish a puzzle.

Quote from Peter

Pat: Peter was very inspired by that Catholic ceremony.
Ally: Come on, Peter. When are we gonna have the Easter-egg hunt?
Peter: Oh. Patience, little ones, patience. Now run along and play in the garden.
Ray: Hey we've still gotta finish that puzzle, right?
Pat: Oh, yeah. I'd like that.
Peter: Mama, I'll help you hide the Easter eggs in the garden. I'm an "eggspert."


Quote from Peter

Robert: Hey, Peter.
Peter: Hey. You want a chocolate egg? I've been sitting on them. They're about ready to hatch.

Quote from Robert

Peter: Amy, guess what Mom did with Ray?
Amy: Oh. I know, Peter.
Marie: What? What's going on?
Robert: Raymond was up until having a long and intimate conversation with Amy's mother.
Marie: Raymond? Is this true?
Peter: And, apparently, it was pretty juicy.
Ray: No. We were just talking about family and stuff.
Robert: Say, Ma, looks like you've been replaced.

Quote from Peter

Peter: If you don't read my "Zombie Blood Chronicles," you're not my mother!

Quote from Hank

Pat: I don't understand.
Hank: You violated the sanctity of the teachers' lounge!

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