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The Model

‘The Model’

Season 8, Episode 21 - Aired May 10, 2004

Robert is "discovered" by a modeling agency while collecting Chinese food.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Look, you made a mistake. That's all. Come on. Let's go home.
Robert: No. No, I can't. How do I face Amy and Mom and Dad? They think I'm a model!
Ray: Nobody thinks that.


Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey. You know what? I got a camera. So- So we'll take some pictures, and we'll show 'em to everybody, and-and then then you quit "the business" because you wanted to spend more time with your family. And we're done.
Robert: Yeah? You'll help me?
Ray: Yeah, why not?
Robert: Thank you. You're a good brother.
Ray: Yeah. And I'll only charge you $1,100.

Quote from Robert

Ray: You ready?
Robert: You mean this is where we're doing it? In the basement? It's supposed to look like a $2,000 picture.
Ray: Just stand up against the backdrop. It's very nice.
Robert: You mean your bedspread? It's like a porn shoot.

Quote from Robert

Robert: Just put the camera down. Put it down!
Ray: What? Come on. Those are great action shots.
Robert: I need you to wait until I pose first.
Ray: Then pose already. Hurry up.
Robert: I will be starting with "Headache Guy."
Ray: All right. You're kidding me?
Robert: This is what we do. Just take it.
Ray: Looks more like "Jock-ltch Guy."
Robert: I need that one, too.

Quote from Ray

Ray: All right. This is not working.
Robert: Why not?
Ray: You're not believable as a person.
Robert: Oh yeah, Avedon? You know what? It just so happens that Herbert said I was a joy to photograph!
Ray: Herbert didn't have any film in the camera!

Quote from Ray

Robert: You're right. I'm such a dope.
Ray: Hey, hold it. That's good. Right there! That's the perfect "Anti-Depressant Medication Guy."
Robert: Hey, Raymond, don't, okay? Just forget it.
Ray: You got a very expressive face. You can always tell what's in your head.
Robert: Yeah?
Ray: Not that. That's too happy. We don't want that.

Quote from Robert

Ray: Think happy thoughts.
Robert: I got nothin'.
Ray: Remember when Dad got his arm stuck in the vending machine?
Robert: That was funny.
Ray: Yeah. How about when Mom was talking and the moth flew in?
Robert: Keep going.
Ray: Uh, remember when I almost got fired?
Robert: You almost got fired?
Ray: There you go! There you go! Hold it.
Robert: Why did you almost get fired?
Ray: I don't know, but Debra almost left me.
Robert: Oh, you are good at this.

Quote from Ray

Frank: You didn't pay money for these, did you?
Ray: What are you talking about?
Amy: Well, Robert, I think you're very handsome, but these pictures are kind of... lousy.
Ray: What?
Marie: I agree with Amy. You're a beautiful boy, Robbie, and these photos don't do you justice.
Debra: Yeah, they're kind of out of focus.
Ray: They're not out of focus. Show me where they're out of focus. In fact, I don't know anything about photography, but these are the best pictures I've ever seen.
Debra: Well, what about this one? The top of his head's cut off.
Ray: They're going for something. Open your mind!
Frank: Open the trash and throw these in!

Quote from Ray

Robert: You know, actually, I'm glad you feel this way because to tell you the truth, I'm leaning towards not pursuing this anymore.
Marie: Oh.
Robert: What?
Amy: Why? No.
Robert: Well, I really can't put my finger on it, but I think that this agency might not be right for me.
Debra: Well, they certainly set you up with a bad photographer. Looks like they gave the camera to a monkey.
Ray: Enough! [takes the photos back]
Frank: What's with you?
Ray: You people! Why do you always got to run down Robert and his dreams?

Quote from Ray

Robert: Hey, look, will you relax? We're just here to pick up the pictures.
Ray: But we're gonna see some real models, right? I didn't come down here to see "PMS Lady" or "Laxative Girl."
Robert: All right, look. Just don't do anything to embarrass me.
Ray: Don't worry. I'm gonna keep my mouth shut. Except for when I'm going "Wowee!"

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