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The Children's Book

‘The Children's Book’

Season 2, Episode 8 - Aired November 10, 1997

Fed up of reading the same stories each bedtime, Debra asks Ray to help her write a children's book.

Quote from Debra

Ray: Okay. How about a dinosaur?
Debra: Dinosaur?
Ray: What?
Debra: I don't know. I just think that's a little trendy.
Ray: Well, bunny's hack.
Debra: Hack? You're calling me a hack?
Ray: I'm not calling you a hack. Your bunny's a hack.
Debra: No, no, no. The bunny is classic, Ray. It's the dinosaur that has been done to death.


Quote from Debra

Ray: Hey, that's how I work.
Debra: Oh, well, let me know when you're goofing off, okay?
Ray: My "goofing off" supports this household.
Debra: And what I do doesn't support the household?
Ray: I'm just saying I get paid for what I do.
Debra: And I'm just dead weight?
Ray: No, but you asked me to help, and this is how I help.
Debra: Well, you know what, Ray? I don't want your help.
Ray: Good, good, good. 'Cause I didn't wanna help in the first place.
Debra: Good. So everybody's happy.
Ray: Good.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Oh, you're working on your thing?
Debra: Yes.
Ray: I was wondering... Are we still fighting?
Debra: What? No, no, no.
Ray: Good. Good. I almost bought flowers.

Quote from Debra

Ray: So, how was your day?
Debra: I can't do this. It was such a stupid idea. Me trying to write a book.
Ray: Look, it just takes time, that's all. Come on. Look. There must be something good in here someplace...
Debra: No. Not one word. I just hate this freaking bunny!
Ray: Come on. You don't hate the bunny. The bunny's good.
Debra: Hate him, Ray. Hate him. I would want to run away, too if I was stuck in a piece of crap like that!

Quote from Ray

Debra: What were you doing up so late? I looked at the clock. It was 4:30. What's this? Oh, my gosh. This is the story. You did the whole thing.
Ray: I felt bad 'cause you got stuck, so I rearranged a couple of things. I ironed out some of the rough spots, that's all. Look, I went with the bunny. You were right. The bunny's good. The bunny's classic. Kids love the bunny.
Debra: Yeah. Okay. Thanks.
Ray: You're welcome. [kisses Debra] All right. I'm gonna grab some sleep. Enjoy.
Debra: Winky? Oh, he named the bunny Winky.

Quote from Debra

Ray: You're rewriting me?
Debra: No, no. It was just minor, you know? Minor tweaks.
Ray: You made it rhyme.
Debra: Yeah, yeah. Kids love rhymes. And it came really easy to me.
Ray: "The bunny hopped here. The bunny hopped there. The bunny hop-hopped to the top of the square."
Debra: What?
Ray: Isn't that a little cutesy?
Debra: Cutesy? Uh, you're the one that named your bunny Winky.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey, I didn't even want the bunny. I went with the bunny for you, okay? And as long as I'm stuck with a bunny, Winky's a perfect name for a bunny.
Debra: It's not better than Clive.
Ray: Clive? Clive? What, are you from Piccadilly? [British accent] "Hello, I'm Clive. I'm 'appy to be alive."
Debra: First of all, that is the worst British accent I have ever heard, all right? Second of all, stay away from my story.
Ray: I saved your story. You had nothing. I made it into something.
Debra: Who asked you?
Ray: You did.
Debra: No. I asked you to do it with me, not for you to do it.

Quote from Ray

Ray: "And Winky was glad to be home even though she had never really left." The end. So, how do you like that story?
Ally: It was good.
Ray: Yeah? So, between that story and the one that Mommy read you last night which one did you like better?
Ally: Better?
Ray: Yeah, between Clive and Winky?
Ally: Winky.
Ray: Yeah? Why?
Ally: Winky was funny.
Ray: How about that? And you like Winky the best? [Aly nods] I love you. And you like the name Winky, right?
Ally: Yes. [hugs Ally]

Quote from Debra

Debra: You're lying to me.
Ray: You got that from "yep"?
Debra: No. I listened outside of Ally's door.
Ray: Why would you do that?
Debra: Because I knew you would lie to me.
Ray: Yeah, I lied, but the nice way.
Debra: I don't need you to protect my feelings, Ray. Don't you think I can handle it that I write a children's story and my own daughter doesn't like it?
Ray: Of course you can.
Debra: Yeah, yeah, yeah. First, you win, then you rob me of the opportunity to lose with dignity.
Ray: I think you lost that when you listened at the door.
Debra: Fine, Ray. You know, I try to do something to make me feel better about myself and I end up making you feel better about yourself.

Quote from Ray

Debra: So, great. I'm a good mother. I knew that. I wanted to do something else.
Ray: You did. You wanted to write a children's book, and you wrote one.
Debra: Yeah, the loser one.
Ray: No. There's no losing. There wouldn't be this stupid competition if you hadn't asked me for help. You know what ruined it for you? Me.
Debra: That's true.
Ray: Yeah. It is. You could have done this on your own. And I think I remember asking you not to include me five days ago, remember? When you didn't hate me?

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