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The Bachelor Party

‘The Bachelor Party’

Season 7, Episode 23 - Aired May 12, 2003

Ray is in charge of throwing Robert's bachelor party.

Quote from Gianni

Gianni: That's my beeper.
Ray: So?
Gianni: This is that waitress I met. She said she'd page me if we could hook up after work.
Ray: So call her and tell her you'll see her later.
Gianni: Ray, this girl's into me right now. Time is my enemy.


Quote from Gianni

Gianni: Hey, I'm sorry, man. You understand, right?
Robert: Aw, yeah, of course. I'm gettin' married, but I'm still a guy, right?
Gianni: Thanks, Robert. Hey, congratulations on your wedding. Amy's a great girl. I wish you all the best. Let's go, Ray.
Ray: What? I'm not goin'.
Gianni: My car's at your house, you idiot. You gotta drive me back.

Quote from Robert

Hector: All finished.
Robert: Thanks, Hector.
Hector: Robert. Let me ask you, just man to man, what is that smell?

Quote from Ray

Debra: Hey, what are you doing home?
Ray: Nothing. We had the party, and it's done.
Debra: The bachelor party's over already?
Ray: Yep.
Debra: Ray, it's 8:30.
Ray: Honey, uh, I want some of this Jell-o, but I don't want to get a spoon. Is that going to upset you?

Quote from Amy

Amy: He told me he spent the last half hour gambling with his super.
Ray: Oh well, see? The party kept going even after I left.
Amy: He lost his security deposit.

Quote from Ray

Marie: How is that a party?
Ray: Look, this is what Robert wanted. When we talked about it, he said, "Don't make a big deal."
Debra: Well, of course he said that. When someone says, "Don't make a big deal," it always means make a big deal!
Ray: No, no. Robert doesn't do that womanish double-talk.

Quote from Ray

Ray: What then? What are we talkin' about?
Debra: Just make a fun party. A big shindig.
Ray: "Shindig"?
Amy: Oh, could he invite my father and my brother?
Debra: Of course he can!
Ray: Well, wait a minute. They hardly know Robert. Or like him.

Quote from Ray

Debra: Actually, this party could be the first step in bringing everybody together and ending the tension. Oh, now I am getting excited!
Marie: Oh, me too!
Debra: Ask Frank if he can have it at the lodge.
Amy: He can make it a surprise party!
Marie: Ooh, yes! And when Robert comes in, everybody should sing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"!
Debra: Oh!
Marie: And I'll ask Cousin Gerard to bring his accordion.
Debra: I love that!
Amy: Oh, that sounds wonderful!
Debra: Ray, make sure when you call the guys to tell 'em it's a surprise party.
Ray: Oh, they'll be surprised.

Quote from Ray

Debra: This is a good thing you're doing. You know, whether someone says so or not, everybody likes to be treated special.
Ray: Listen, if you want to treat me special right now...
Debra: I'm a little tired.
Ray: I've got Jell-o.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hey, Garvin.
Garvin: Hey, Ray's here! [cheers]
Ray: What are you doing? You're supposed to be outside watching for Robert, come on!
Garvin: Oh, yeah! I'd better get out there! Look out!

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