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Moving Out

‘Moving Out’

Season 3, Episode 7 - Aired November 2, 1998

Ray encourages Robert to finally move out of his parents' house.

Quote from Marie

Marie: By the way, I agree with what Amy was saying. You are not pathetic.
Robert: You were spying on us?
Marie: I was passing an air vent. You're so cute, Yogi.
Frank: She calls you Yogi.
Marie: You got some syrup on your chin.
Frank: Do you call her Boo Boo? [chuckles]
Marie: Let me get it. Let me get it.


Quote from Ray

Robert: Okay, that's it. I'm moving out.
Marie: Moving out? That's ridiculous.
Frank: What are you gonna do? Tie a little polka dot hanky around a stick and hop a freight train?
Robert: I have a car. You can stop laughing now, Ma.
Ray: Do it. Do it, man. Go.
Marie: You be quiet.

Quote from Frank

Marie: The point is, you were miserable. And we welcomed you back into this house and we made you whole again. Remember that?
Robert: Yeah.
Marie: And now you want to go out on your own again? Is that really the smartest thing? Good. Craziness settled.
Frank: Welcome back, Yogi. We should get you a picnic basket.

Quote from Robert

Robert: Ma, sit down, please. I've got something to tell you. I'm moving out.
Marie: Robby, enough, I'm tired with-
Robert: Ma, Ma. I appreciate everything you've done for me. The food... The beverages.
Marie: Okay, okay. Sit, I'll make you something else.
Robert: No, Ma. My mind's made up. Thank you, Raymond.

Quote from Marie

Marie: Why is he thanking you?
Ray: I brought back the jacket for him. [starts to leave] It's late.
Marie: Raymond!
Robert: [enters] I am so psyched. I have never been psyched like this in my life. Hey, Ray, from the bottom of my-
Ray: Okay, go away now! [Robert leaves] Easy, easy. I'm walking out of here, nice and slow. Okay? We'll talk about this later, when you start blinking again.
Marie: [to Frank] Stop him.
Ray: Hey!
Frank: What did he do?
Ray: Let go of me!
Frank: Don't try to run. It only makes it worse.

Quote from Ray

Marie: Why did you stick your nose into our affairs? Who gave you the right?
Frank: How dare you!
Marie: Robby's the last thing I have left. Now he's leaving because of you.
Ray: Look, I just thought-
Marie: Oh, you just thought! Did you think about me? Do you ever think about me?
Frank: Well, do you?
Ray: Do you? [Frank shrugs]

Quote from Ray

Ray: Hi. I must have the wrong address. I'm looking for Robert Barone.
Rita Stipe: Yes. Robby rented the room above our garage last week.
Ray: Above the garage?
Rita Stipe: Yes.
Ray: I'm his brother Ray.
Rita Stipe: Oh, Raymond! Come right in. I'm Rita Stipe. I was just about ready to call Robert down. [shouts] Robby! Dinner!
Robert: [o.s.] Coming!
Rita Stipe: He's such a nice boy. [shouts] Harry! Get down here! I'm not heating this stuff up for you! [to Ray] Are you hungry, dear?
Ray: No, no, my wife's making-
Rita Stipe: You sit yourself right down there.

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