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I Wish I Were Gus

‘I Wish I Were Gus’

Season 1, Episode 3 - Aired September 27, 1996

Ray has to confront his fear of public speaking when he's asked to give the eulogy at his great uncle's funeral. Meanwhile, Marie refuses to attend the service because her sister will be there.

Quote from Debra

Aunt Alda: I'm sorry, Marie. It was my fault.
Marie: Seven years. All that time wasted. So much has happened.
Debra: Oh, my God, they made up?
Ray: Yeah.
Debra: You did this?
Ray: I can do things.
Aunt Alda: I had menopause.
Marie: Me, too.
Debra: First the beautiful speech. Now this? Ray, I am completely turned on.
Ray: Oh, sure. At a funeral.


Quote from Ray

Debra: Hey, you know what I think is really sexy?
Ray: What?
Debra: A man who does the dishes.
Ray: No, does nothing for me. You know what does it for me? A woman who does the dishes with another woman.

Quote from Ray

Debra: That's my laundry marker. Honey, have you been drawing on the walls again?
Ally: No, I drew on Geoffrey.
Ray: You drew on Geoffrey?
Ally: He asked me to.
Debra: [holding Geoffrey] Oh, my God. It's bad news for Europe, Ray.
Ray: Just relax, I'll take care of it. [wiping Geoffrey's mouth] It's coming off. It's not coming off.

Quote from Ray

Ray: I can't do it, I can't. Get somebody else to do it.
Frank: No. Old Gus wanted you. It was in his will.
Ray: I can't do it. I can't talk in front of people. Even talking to you is hard enough. No, please. Let Robert do it. Robert can do the eulogy.
Robert: [laying out nuts] Peanut, almond, cashew. Peanut, almond, cashew.
Debra: I think you're doing the eulogy, Ray. [Frank nods]

Quote from Marie

Marie: [enters] Oh, this is terrible. It's awful. I just found out that my sister is coming to the funeral.
Debra: Aunt Alda's coming all the way from Canada?
Marie: Uh-huh.
Ray: Oh, that's great if you like Aunt Alda. Who does?
Marie: Go ahead, have your fun. That woman broke my heart.
Frank: Not this again.
Marie: She never even sent Raymond a wedding present.
Ray: Well, that's 'cause she was upset 'cause you put her at a bad table at the reception.
Debra: Aunt Alda did kind of ruin the wedding.
Frank: It was seven years ago, and you're still not talking. I hate this story.
Marie: What am I supposed to do, huh? Our cousin Teresa has cataracts, so she's got to sit up front. Then she shows up with her daughter, Stacy, the 300-pound nutritionist. That's another two seats.

Quote from Frank

Frank: Can Hitler have a juice box?
Debra: Yeah, I'll get it.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Gus. Gus. Gus. Gus. Gus...
Debra: Hi, how's the eulogy going?
Ray: Oh, I wish I were Gus. I can't do it. You know, you should do this. No, you were in PR. You are good at bull... PR.

Quote from Ray

Ray: Is this Gus?
Marie: Yeah.
Ray: He's good looking. Guys can say that now.

Quote from Ray

Marie: Do you know what Alda used to do to me? She'd read my diary. She'd put my dolls in odd poses. She'd wear my clothes. She'd steal my boyfriends.
Ray: Yeah? What kind of poses?
Marie: Do you know what it's like to grow up with someone who's bossy, demanding, and unreasonable?
Ray: No. No.
Marie: What's that supposed to mean?
Ray: That's a joke, Ma. I'm making a joke.
Marie: Yeah, very funny stuff.

Quote from Ray

Marie: I thought you understood.
Ray: Well, Ma, I'm trying. Look, you're sisters. Family should talk.
Marie: Like you and Robert?
Ray: We talk. A lot of that just goes unspoken.

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