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Debra's Parents

‘Debra's Parents’

Season 9, Episode 7 - Aired November 22, 2004

When Debra's divorced parents, Warren (Robert Culp) and Lois (Katherine Helmond), visit for Thanksgiving, Ray walks in on them together in bed,

Quote from Ray

Lois: Debra, we are so sorry. We certainly didn't mean to hurt you.
Debra: I don't think you were thinking of me at all, or anybody else for that matter. You sneaking around up there. Poor Ray walks in and sees you.
Lois: You saw us?
Ray: No, just, uh... Just... Just an arm and a foot and a little bit of bottom.


Quote from Warren

Debra: I- I- I just wish things were different between the two of you. But I do want you to be happy.
Warren: How about this little girl of ours, huh? I sure know what I'm thankful for this year.
Debra: Yeah, yeah. How about you go put some clothes on?
Warren: Okay.
Ray: And buy a Scrabble board.

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