‘Bully on the Bus’
Season 4, Episode 13 - Aired January 17, 2000
Debra learns that a boy is bullying Ally on the school bus.
Quote from Ray
Debra: Don't you have to go to work or someplace?
Ray: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can forget about the kiss goodbye.
Debra: Oh no, what'll I do?
Ray: You'll miss it, baby!
Debra: Oh, yeah. Hey, Layman, Gayman, Go-away-man!
Ray: Bully! You bully!
Debra: Relax, relax.
Ray: Debra, Debra, lovely wife. Why am I stuck with you for life?
Debra: Sounds like you've had that one for a while.
Ray: Maybe, why, what? You want one off the top of my head?
Debra: Yeah.
Ray: Yeah? You're a stupid idiot stinker BM!
Quote from Frank
Ray: Ally's the one that's been bullying the kids on the bus.
Marie: Oh, my.
Frank: Oh, yeah? Good for her! What did she do?
Ray: Never mind, and it's not good. [Ally enters]
Frank: Hey, there you are! Hey, tiger!
Debra: All right, all right, Frank, Frank. Honey, I need you to come over here and sit down for a minute.
Frank: "Ally bomaye! Ally bomaye!"
Quote from Frank
Ray: Ally, Dottie told me that you've been making fun of Judy Feeney.
Ally: Why were you on my bus today?
Ray: Because Daddy loves you very much.
Frank: Yech!
Ally: All the kids were making fun of me on the ride home.
Marie: Which ones? Give me their names.
Frank: Look what you did.
Ray: They were making fun of you?
Ally: Yes, they kept saying "Baby Ally and her dorky daddy."
Frank: [chuckles] You're dorky Daddy.
Quote from Ray
Ray: Honey, I'm sorry. Look I was just trying- I didn't know-
Ally: Do I have to ride on the bus tomorrow?
Debra: Look, sweetie, in a couple of days those kids will forget about it and they'll move on to something else.
Ally: I'm gonna make up a mean song about Judy!
Marie: Oh honey, we don't sing mean songs.
Debra: All right, Marie, please. Ally, I know I told you to stick up for yourself-
Ray: But, but-
Ally: Yeah, so, I'm gonna make fun of Judy Hooty and then all the other kids will laugh at her. [runs upstairs]
Frank: You're doing a good job with her.
Quote from Ray
Ray: Okay, honey, you see you saw today that it's not fun to get picked on, right? And, um, you know, there are a lot of bad kids out there and you should stop being one.
Debra: Don't say that.
Ray: What?
Debra: You just said she was a bad kid.
Ray: I did not.
Debra: Yes, you did. You just said-
Ray: All right, fine! There are a lot of great kids out there, and you should try to be like them.
Debra: All right, Ray, stop.
Debra: What Daddy's trying to say-
Ray: You don't have to interpret for me. What Mommy is trying to say...
Debra: Ray!
Ray: See? You don't like it. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Ally? There's a kind of fish that looks like a rock...
Quote from Ray
Ally: Do you think I'm bad?
Debra: No!
Ray: No, no! We're bad. We're the bad ones.
Debra: No, no, no! Nobody's bad, Ray! You don't say that!
Ray: I'm saying she's not bad!
Debra: If you'd read a book once in a while you'd know how to talk to her!
Ray: Read a book, yeah.I make a living , that's why I don't read a book.
Debra: All right, enough.
Quote from Ray
Debra: Sweetie, what you did to Judy was bad. Now Daddy and I... See, the thing is...
Ally: You want me to be nice?
Ray: Well, no-
Debra: Yes, yes! We want you to be nice.
Ray: Yes, great. Yes, nice!
Ally: Okay.
Debra: Okay!
Ray: Okay, good.
Quote from Ray
Debra: Hey, nice, see that? Came up with that all by herself, hmm?
Ray: Well, not really.
Debra: What? What, she just came up with it.
Ray: Aw, come on. Be nice, that's my whole thing.
Debra: Idiot.
Ray: See? Oh, I feel sorry for you.
Quote from Ray
Robert: Here's one you can use. "Debra Debra, real good looking, never want to try her cooking."
Ray: That's a good one!
Robert: Yeah, yeah.
Ray: Is that yours?
Robert: I made it up right now.
Debra: [enters] Hey, what are you guys doing?
Ray: Hi, nothing. How are you?
Debra: Good. [exits]
Ray: [to Robert] Let's do one about her butt.