Julius Quote #208

Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates Cutting School

Julius: Please, can't I just give you my money and go?
DMV Clerk: Yeah.
Julius: Thanks.
DMV Clerk: Right after you take your written test.
Julius: I've been driving for over 20 years. I know the rules of the road.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] My father knew the rules of the road, but they were his rules. In a construction zone, you speed up. When pedestrians are entering the crosswalk... speed up. At a railroad crossing, you really speed up.


 ‘Everybody Hates Cutting School’ Quotes

Quote from Ms. Morello

Ms. Morello: Chris, I'm sorry for shushing you. I know your people can't help talking in the movies.

Quote from Greg

Greg: You think they know we're gone?
Chris: The only one that would even notice is Caruso. He can just beat somebody else up. What's that?
Greg: I was up all night packing for everything we might need. I've got peanut butter sandwiches in case we get hungry, I've got some wet naps in case we get sticky from the peanut butter sandwiches, I brought a compass in case we get lost, some extra water, Rolaids, aspirin, a traveling toothbrush...
Chris: Greg, we're going to the movies, not Gilligan's Island.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] If we did, Greg would have got with Mrs. Howell.
Greg: Hold on. For my "cutting school" scrapbook. Smile.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Greg sold that picture on eBay last week for $500.

Quote from Rochelle

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Only problem with my mother helping at a book fair was she didn't read books and she wasn't fair.
Rochelle: Girl, does your mother know you're over here reading grown-up books? Give me that. Flowers in the Attic. Now that sounds nice. Read that. You done lost your Jackie Collins mind. And don't cut your eyes at me, either.
Rochelle: Boy, don't you know you are too big for a coloring book? White kids your age are building sculptures by now and you're over here trying to stay inside the lines. Come on, Picasso. Get to chippin'. Come on. Chip on. Chip, chip, chip.
Rochelle: You shouldn't be embarrassed that your boy only has a fifth grade reading level. You should be embarrassed that he's 27. He should be reading War and Peace, not Horton Hears a Who!.