Julius Quote #14

Quote from Julius in Everybody Hates Keisha

Rochelle: You know, I waved at Sheila today and she acted all saddidy.
Julius: Yeah, pretty women are always stuck up.
Rochelle: You think she's pretty?
Julius: Huh? No. No, I... I don't. I... No!
Rochelle: No, you had just said that you thought she was pretty.
Julius: I mean, she's not ugly. I didn't notice.
Rochelle: So, you didn't notice a pretty woman walking around our house that you didn't know?
Julius: I really... Okay! She was in the bathroom and I smacked her on the butt.
Rochelle: You smacked her on the butt?
Julius: I smacked her on the butt. I thought she was you! Look, I see a grown woman's behind running around my house, I automatically assume it's yours.


 ‘Everybody Hates Keisha’ Quotes

Quote from Adult Chris

Tonya: Ooh, I'm telling.
Drew: Shut up, Tonya.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] Usually, when Tonya said she was telling, that meant I was getting in trouble. But I didn't care. All I wanted to do was slap the black off of Drew.
[fantasy: Drew's face has a patchy complexion as he is carried into an ambulance on a stretcher:]
Detective: What happened?
Police Officer: Looks like the older brother came home, found the little brother kissing his woman and slapped the black off him.
Detective: [holding an evidence back] Is this the black?
Police Officer: All we could find.
Detective: So much for brotherly love.

Quote from Rochelle

Sheila: Rochelle, I love your place. How you keep it so clean with three kids?
Rochelle: Oh, no, my children know how to act. They know, once they walk through that front door, I don't tolerate no foolishness.
Sheila: Uh-uh.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's Sheila, Keisha's mother. My mother didn't make a lot of friends, because she's, what I like to call, a ghetto snob.
Rochelle: Look at that woman out here with rollers in her hair.
Tonya: Mama, you have rollers on.
Rochelle: Yeah, but I'm wearing a scarf. No class.

Quote from Rochelle

Rochelle: Sit down, Julius. I know you're not blind, Julius. She's pretty. And if you think I look like her, then I'm okay with that.
Julius: Really?
Rochelle: No! If that happens again, somebody getting stabbed!
Adult Chris: [v.o.] That's my mother's version of being understanding.