Chris Quote #282

Quote from Chris in Everybody Hates Dirty Jokes

Doc: Where you been?
Chris: I'm sorry I'm late. I was in detention.
Doc: Detention? For what?
Chris: I was telling Redd Foxx jokes in class.
Doc: Redd Foxx? As dirty as he is, I know your mother didn't let you listen to that.
Chris: Nope. I snuck and listened to it while they were asleep.
Doc: Oh, you got a little sneak in you, huh?
Chris: Yeah, I guess.


 ‘Everybody Hates Dirty Jokes’ Quotes

Quote from Mr. Omar

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Since my grandmother was too old to go out looking for men, my mother decided to bring the men to her.
Mr. Omar: Oh, hey, Mrs. Rochelle, what can I do for you?
Rochelle: Hey, Mr. Omar. Do you remember my mother, Maxine?
Mr. Omar: Yes. Husband died telling a knock-knock joke. Tragic. Tragic.

Quote from Michael

Rochelle: Michael, what are you doing here?
Michael: Stopping a home wrecker. You trying to break me and Momma up. It's time for her to come home. I'm hungry.

Quote from Adult Chris

Julius: Suspended? For talking in class?
Rochelle: What did you say?
Chris: Well, it's a routine called "The Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television."
Rochelle: Well, what are they?
Chris: I can't say them.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] We're on television, woman! Didn't you hear the name of the bit?