Adult Chris Quote #65

Quote from Adult Chris in Everybody Hates Christmas

Adult Chris: [v.o.] Tonya wasn't the only one having a bad day.
Chris: Is there something wrong?
Rochelle: Have a seat, baby.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] The last time they asked me to sit down before they told me something, The Jackson Five broke up.


 ‘Everybody Hates Christmas’ Quotes

Quote from Tonya

Rochelle: Tonya, I thought you were gonna put up the decorations.
Tonya: I don't want to now.
Rochelle: Why not?
Tonya: Because... you and Daddy lied to me.
Rochelle: We lied to you? About what?
Tonya: I know there's no such thing as Santa Claus.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] When my mother heard Tonya say those words, it was like she wasn't her baby anymore.
30-year-old Tonya: So what else to you lie to me about? Are you really gonna kick me out if I get pregnant? Is it true you ain't taking care of no baby? Can I really not bring a White boy home? Does the Foreman Grill really knock out the fat? Can I really get a loan with no money down? Are you my real mother? Momma, I want answers.

Quote from Julius

Julius: Hey, man. What you doing?
Chris: I'm taking canned goods to school for the needy.
[cash register sounds as Julius inspects the assorted cans]
Julius: Man, that's $2.89 cent worth of food. What you trying to do, feed the needy or be the needy?

Quote from Ms. Morello

Ms. Morello: Class, since this is the season of giving, I'd like you all to bring in canned food items, so we can donate them to those less fortunate. [places her hand on Chris's shoulder]
Adult Chris: [v.o.] It's funny how most people only think about feeding the needy during Christmas. I'm sure there's a lot of hungry people during Presidents Day. [Chris raises his hand]
Ms. Morello: Yes, Chris?
Chris: Do we have to bring in cans? Can we bring in, like, boxes of food?
Ms. Morello: You don't have to bring anything, but that's very thoughtful of you. I know this time of year must be hard for your family.
Chris: No. We're doing fine.
Ms. Morello: I know. I know.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] She made it seem like we were having a bowl of steam for dinner that night.