‘Everybody Hates Basketball’
Season 1, Episode 3 - Aired October 6, 2005
Nobody is more surprised than Chris when he is picked for the basketball team. Meanwhile, Julius and Rochelle rent out a room upstairs.
Quote from Chris
Coach Brady: Swish. I want to run you through a couple plays. Basically, here's you with the ball, and here's the rest of the guys getting out of your way. You got it?
Chris: Yeah, I got it.
Coach Brady: Great. I'll see you out there.
Quote from Chris
Julius: Sorry about the game, man.
Drew: You should have fainted like I told you.
Tonya: Who's that White girl who kept screaming at you?
Chris: Nobody.
Rochelle: I'm sorry, baby.
Adult Chris: [v.o.] At that time I didn't know what I was going to be when I grew up, but I knew I wasn't going to be a basketball player.
Chris: Well, it's okay. At least I passed my social studies quiz.