Clare Quote #62

Quote from Clare in Halloween

Erin: You should tell her, Clare.
Clare: Tell her what?
Orla: That you're a lezzie too.
Clare: That's enough!
Erin: This could be your big chance.
Clare: My big chance?
Erin: Well, have you ever even met another lezzie?
Clare: Stop saying lezzie! Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I see every other gay woman as a potential suitor.
Michelle: Aye, keep saying things like "suitor", Clare. That'll help you off-load the old virginity.


 ‘Halloween’ Quotes

Quote from Erin

Clare: It is sort of your fault, James. You tore the tickets up.
Erin: What the hell were you thinking?
James: I don't know. I was high on adrenaline. Anyway, what does it matter? I was never gonna win that fight. The man's the size of a wardrobe.
Erin: But you're English, James. About five of you managed to colonise half the planet, so, you know, we thought you might have something up your sleeve.
James: Well, I didn't.

Quote from Clare

Erin: Why don't you just tell her?
Clare: Because it's pathetic, Erin.
Laurie: Hi, there.
Clare: Hi, I'm a lesbian!
Laurie: Congratulations.
Clare: Thank you.
Laurie: How many of you are there?
Clare: Just me. Just the one lesbian. The rest of them are straight.

Quote from Orla

Erin: Ach, I just love Halloween. It's the one night of the year that Protestants and Catholics set aside their political and religious differences and just come together...
Orla: And fight ghosts.
Erin: No, Orla.