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The Visiting Lecher

‘The Visiting Lecher’

Season 7, Episode 22 - Aired May 4, 1989

When a friend of Frasier's, Dr. Lawrence Crandell (John McMartin), who literally wrote the book on fidelity visits Cheers, he hits on Rebecca but none of the guys believe her.

Quote from Rebecca

Dr. Crandell: Two aspirin coming up. Two tablets, buffered. I hope they go down well. Bye-bye.
Rebecca: Dr. Crandell, it's not really why I'm here.
Dr. Crandell: It's not?
Rebecca: No. Now, I know you came on to me and you know you came on to me. But I'm not leaving here until you admit it.
Dr. Crandell: All right, I admit it, I came on to you, good night.
Rebecca: Ah-ha.
Dr. Crandell: Ah-ha?
Rebecca: I didn't quite hear that.
Dr. Crandell: Oh, for God's sake, good night.
Rebecca: [opens the closet door slightly] Um, please, if you could just say it a little bit louder and a little clearer... [Sam closes the closet door from the inside] So that I know that there's no mistaking it.
Dr. Crandell: All right, if that will make you happy, I came on to you, I came on to you. You know, I'm beginning to regret it.
Rebecca: Ah-ha!


Quote from Sam

Dr. Crandell: Good night, Miss Howe.
Rebecca: You... Sam! Would you get the hell out of there?
Dr. Crandell: Sam?
Sam: Whoa, boy. These luxury hotels have great closets.
Rebecca: Did you hear what he just said?
Sam: Uh, no, I'm sorry, I sort of had something in my ear.
Rebecca: You had a woman in here!
Sam: Uh, as long as we got that established, if you need me again, I'll be back by the shoe rack.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Sam! Remember our mission? Now listen to me. This proves that I am not crazy. This proves that he is just a lech.
Dr. Crandell: I can explain. Miss Johnson is my executive secretary. We have a great deal of dictation together. Now if you'll excuse us. [opens door]
Man: You sent for a violinist?
Rebecca: A violinist to do your dictation? Come on. Now at least, for God's sakes, have the decency to come clean and tell Sam the truth.
Dr. Crandell: Oh, all right. I admit it, it's true. I've been a very lonely man. I thought this trip would put my convictions to the test, but I'm afraid I came up lacking. I'm sorry if I caused you any pain, Miss Howe.
Rebecca: Well, at least you finally admitted it.
Dr. Crandell: Yes, I'm glad the truth is out. At last, no more lying. No more deceit. [knocking]
Mrs. Crandell: [o.s.] Lawrence? Guess who?
Dr. Crandell: It's my wife! Hide!
Rebecca: I'm not going in a closet.
Sam: Oh, come on. You'll enjoy it. I'll show you around.

Quote from Sam

Mrs. Crandell: Whoever is in that closet, come out this instant! [Sam, Rebecca, Maria and Zoltan emerge from the closet] All right, I want an explanation, and I want it right this minute. Otherwise, I am going to divorce him. I am going to take his money, and I am going to take his reputation, and his career. And after that I am going to do the same for each and every one of you. And believe me, I can do it. So who is going to come forth with an explanation?
Sam: Um, we, uh, we're all here to... [clears throat] change the lightbulbs.

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