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The Cranemakers

‘The Cranemakers’

Season 7, Episode 16 - Aired March 2, 1989

Rebecca forces Woody to use his vacation days. Meanwhile, Lilith is overcome with feelings of motherhood.

Quote from Norm

Carla: Hey, Fras. What's the latest with Madame Ovary?
Frasier: Oh, she's fine.
Sam: Don't sound too happy about it.
Frasier: Well, frankly Sam, I'm not. I feel like hell for what I said to her the other day. I've taken the most beautiful experience of her life and turned it into something as pedestrian as flossing one's teeth. I wish I could take back every hateful word I said.
Norm: Fras, Ver- Nope, nougat. Anyway Vera and I have this little technique that we use, that, uh, whenever we say something that we regret to each other, we agree never to talk about it again and it works like a charm.
Frasier: Well, Norm, I don't agree. Once you start to bury your feelings, you stop talking. Finally, you don't spend any time together at all.
Norm: Right. Works like a charm. Do you believe that? An entire box of chocolates and not one butter cream. I hate that.


Quote from Rebecca

Pete: Gee, Woody, where you going?
Woody: [downbeat] I'm going to Venice, and then Florence, and then I've got to see the Seven Hills of something or other I don't know.
Rebecca: Woody, you're going to love Italy. I'll never forget my first trip. Bunking in youth hostels, thumbing rides, this wild fling with this crazy Italian boy who never told me his name. And then one night, getting ahold of some cheap wine and getting really plastered and ripping off all my clothes... Changing for choir practice. I was with my church group.
Sam: Seems like you used to be a lot more fun. Yeah. When did you lose this childlike love of life? And why couldn't I have known you back when you were cheap and slutty?

Quote from Carla

Frasier: Greetings, everyone.
Sam: Oh! My goodness! Well, what time are you two due at the square dance?
Frasier: I'll thank you to be serious. My woman made this shirt.
Lilith: It's my first.
Frasier: Yes, we've decided to stop parasitically living off the labor of others. From now on, we provide for ourselves.
Lilith: We've been examining our lives, and we've discovered some frightening things.
Carla: You finally found Diane walled up in Frasier's crawl space?

Quote from Woody

Cliff: So, Woodman, today's the day, huh?
Norm: Yeah, you ready for the big trip, bud?
Woody: I guess so. I'm just going through this book, trying to put together a few useful Italian phrases.
Norm: Let's hear one.
Woody: All right. [speaking Italian]
Sam: That's great. What's it mean?
Norm: "l have been hideously mangled in a train accident. Please shoot me."

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: Woody, why don't you just do this for me, please? Why don't you go take a trip and see your folks?
Woody: My folks were just here.
Norm: Whoa, Woody. Your parents were in Boston? Why didn't you bring them by to meet us?
Woody: What, like they got nothing better to do?
Norm: Good point.

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: Say, Lilith, you know, it might help me to get a rhythm going if you would sing one of those simple work songs that our forefathers so beloved.
Lilith: I don't know any work songs.
Frasier: Well, sing whatever you do know.
Lilith: I only know one song.
Frasier: Well, sing that, then.
Lilith: [sings] My funny valentine Sweet comic valentine You make me smile with my heart

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: My boss was going through the personnel records and he found an alarming discrepancy.
Woody: Okay, I confess. I was $3.47 short on the receipts last October, so I put money in from my own pocket. I always knew it would catch up with me. [sobs] You don't have to say anything, Miss Howe. I'll get my things and leave quietly.
Rebecca: Woody, I'm not talking about that.
Woody: Oh, then never mind.

Quote from Norm

Cliff: Hey, Normie. Lookie here. Yeah? I was on my route and somebody gave me a box of chocolates. You, uh, you want one?
Norm: Yeah. Assortment, huh? Yeah, I like butter creams, but, uh, I can never tell which one's which. [bites into one] Nope. [another] This one either.

Quote from Norm

Lilith: We're so civilized, we've cut ourselves off from our true animal nature. Accordingly, we've decided to forsake the city and go live in the wilderness.
Frasier: Yes. We're going to leave behind the 20th century. And I will build a cabin with my own two hands and the sweat of my brow.
Norm: Uh, do you guys want these pretzels?
Frasier: Uh..., no. No, thank you. From now on, I only eat what I kill.
Norm: Then I suggest you kill about a half dozen beers and lighten up.

Quote from Lilith

Frasier: Sam, if this story is meant to discourage us, it's going to fall on deaf ears. I've already burned our last bridge. I'm proud to announce that the Doctor has given up his practice.
Norm: Oh, come on.
Sam: You did what?
Frasier: Yes. We put our house on the market, I helped Lilith compose her letter of resignation to Boston General, and I just canceled my paranoia workshop. So all we need to do now is buy a stout ax and a plot of land in the wilderness.
Lilith: And I'll stand by your side and bear your young and cook your meals.
Carla: Try not to get them mixed up.
Sam: Ah wait, whoa, hold it. Listen, have either of you even lived outside of the city?
Lilith: Well, I admit we are urbanites, but we've always enjoyed the country whenever we've flown over it.

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