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Rebecca's Lover... Not

‘Rebecca's Lover... Not’

Season 10, Episode 22 - Aired April 23, 1992

When Rebecca's high school boyfriend, Mark (Harvey Fierstein), moves to Boston, she has hopes of rekindling their romance. Meanwhile, Sam's beloved Corvette is stolen.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Hey, girls, here's a little trick I learned in high school. You put on your lipstick then you powder them. That way, when you're making out, you don't get the lipstick all over the boy. [giggles]
Carla: Aha.
Lilith: Rebecca, I believe you're laboring under a misconception...
Carla: Oh, no, Lilith. Rebecca, you see, what Lilith is trying to say is that the powder isn't gonna keep the lipstick off the boy, but if he really cares, he's not gonna mind.


Quote from Carla

Lilith: Why didn't you let me tell her?
Carla: 'Cause it would be wrong. It- It's not our place to Interfere with their personal lives. That's why they're called "personal lives." It's not our place to play God.
Lilith: Well, actually, I pulled down 60 big ones last year playing God, but I see your point. And I owe you an apology. I actually thought you didn't want to tell her so that she would be humiliated, at which point you would make fun of her.
Carla: See how wrong you were? [Lilith leaves] How was your date last night, Rebecca? Get lucky? [laughs]

Quote from Rebecca

Mark Newberger: That was a great dinner tonight. I haven't had osso buco that good in years.
Rebecca: What the hell is osso buco anyway?
Mark Newberger: You don't want to know.
Rebecca: Mark, I- I had the greatest evening tonight.
Mark Newberger: Well, we're gonna have a lot of great nights. I want to pick up right where we left off.
Rebecca: Do you want to start right now?
Mark Newberger: Sure.
Rebecca: Okay. You just make yourself comfortable, and I'll be right back. [o.s.] I feel like we're in high school again, don't you, Marcus Aurelius?
Mark Newberger: Yes, I do, Beckus Aurelius.
Rebecca: You remembered my Latin name.
Mark Newberger: Well, how could I forget? You're the one who got me through Mr. Vincent's Latin class.
Rebecca: [o.s.] [gasps] Oh, Mr. Vincent. I forgot all about him. Oh, God, I had such a crush on that man.
Mark Newberger: [softly] Who didn't?

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: You're gay?
Mark Newberger: Don't tell me you didn't know.
Rebecca: I mean, usually I assume that somebody is straight until I find out they're not.
Mark Newberger: That's funny, I usually assume people are gay until I find out they're not. Sometimes we find out together.
Rebecca: Oh. I'm the one, aren't l? Yeah, I'm the one that put you off girls.
Mark Newberger: No, Rebecca.
Rebecca: No, no, really, go ahead, you can say it. I've heard it before.
Mark Newberger: Rebecca, if anything, you confused me. You're the only woman I've ever been attracted to.
Rebecca: Thank you.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: You want to watch some TV?
Mark Newberger: Yeah, sure. Maybe there's an old movie on, huh? Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hmm?
Mark Newberger: What are you doing?
Rebecca: Looking for the remote control.
Mark Newberger: It's on the coffee table.
Rebecca: You can't blame me for trying.

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