Frasier Quote #625

Quote from Frasier in Take Me Out of the Ball Game

Lilith: All right, you don't have to come. Now, while I'm away, I need you to water the plants, pay the paperboy and take the garbage out on Tuesday nights. I've written it all down for you.
Frasier: Lilith, you don't have to treat me like a child.
Lilith: Of course not, Frasier. Oh. Please remember, don't open the door to strangers.
Frasier: Lilith.
Lilith: Well, Frasier, there is a precedent set. We lost our stereo that day.
Frasier: Well, he looked friendly. He needed to use the phone!
Lilith: It was 3:00 in the morning, darling.
Frasier: People have flats at 3 in the morning.
Lilith: He was wearing a ski mask.
Frasier: I won't open the door to strangers.


 ‘Take Me Out of the Ball Game’ Quotes

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: You know, there's a lot of misunderstanding about rats or Rodendus vermicitis, as they're called in Latin. It turns out our long-tailed friend wasn't, after all, responsible for the dreaded bubonic plague as alleged through history. No, sir. It's caused by an animal called the bubon. That's right. And the threat, by the way, is still with us. So if anybody does see a bubon contact your local authorities.
Carla: How about if we just see a boob?

Quote from Woody

Frasier: Well, I'd love to stick around and see how things turned out for Sam, but it's time Whiskers and I hit the road.
Woody: Oh, Dr. Crane, before you go, can I see him first? I love rats. We used to have a lot of them on the farm back in Hanover. Kept the barn free of cats.
Frasier: Woody, meet Whiskers. Oh, my God, he's gone!
Woody: Wow, that's a neat trick, Dr. Crane. Now do it with a bunny.
Frasier: No! Oh, no, Woody, you've got to help me find him! If Lilith comes back and I haven't got Whiskers, I'm dead meat!
Woody: You know, Dr. Crane, once, back in Hanover, I wanted to catch some rats and I started playing a flute and a bunch of them followed me out of town. And some children, too. Oh, wait, was that a movie? No, no, it happened.

Quote from Carla

Norm: Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute! Carla's been here the longest. If anyone should take over, it's Carla.
Carla: Oh, no, no, no, not me. I'm the kind of person that doesn't like responsibility.
Norm: What are you talking about? You have eight children.
Carla: Well, I wouldn't if I were responsible.