Sam Quote #380

Quote from Sam in Diane's Allergy

Sam: How come you still have allergies if I've got Diane?
Diane: [nasally] Diane?
Frasier: That's what he calls Pavlov. Don't ask.


 ‘Diane's Allergy’ Quotes

Quote from Sam

Frasier: So, Sam, listen. Fill me in. I'm hungry for news of little Pavlov.
Sam: Pavlov? Oh, you must mean little Diane.
Frasier: I beg your pardon?
Sam: Yeah, I renamed the puppy Diane. I figured you wouldn't mind. I mean, it's my puppy now. Yeah, well, I tell you, it's so wonderful. I come home, she gives me any trouble, I swat her on the rear end and say, "Shut up, Diane." And she does. It's heaven.
Frasier: Sam, I have to be honest with you, changing the dog's name hurts me a little. Don't you think two Dianes will be confusing?
Sam: Well, maybe you're right. Well, we'll just have to call your girlfriend Pavlov.

Quote from Diane

Diane: Well, she's very sweet, obviously, but I'm a cat person. I obviously have some kind of an allergy to dogs.
Sam: Are you sure it's the dog?
Diane: Well, what else could it be?
Sam: You've been around that dog before. I mean, you must have. You know, moving in with Frasier is a big commitment. I just wonder if this whole so-called allergy thing might not be psychosomatic.
Diane: Oh, Sam, I'm very impressed. That's a complex psychological concept coming from a man who has to write L and R on the bottom of his shoes.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Maybe on some subconscious level, you don't want to be living with me.
Diane: Frasier, it's the dog. I keep telling you. [voice changes] It's the dog!
Frasier: The voice. Diane, the damn dog is gone. She's halfway across the city! I don't want to go on putting you through all this.
Diane: Frasier, we've made a commitment here.
Frasier: Obviously you're not ready yet for this kind of commitment. Perhaps some day you will be. Perhaps not. We'll just have to wait and see.
Diane: No, I'm going to make this work.
Frasier: Diane, please, don't hold on to this for me. I love you. But I think your health is more important.
Diane: Maybe you're right.
Frasier: I'm sure I'm right. Now, listen. Go and gargle and spray your throat. Use your inhaler, take your antihistamine and put your nose drops in. Use whatever else you find in that pharmacy you call a purse.