Carla Quote #870

Quote from Carla in Death Takes a Holiday On Ice

Carla: What do you have to say?
Gordie Brown: Well, late one night a couple months ago, Eddie and I were drinking. He told me he had a secret, something he felt really guilty about. So he wrote this note, and he told me if anything ever happened to him, that I should deliver it to Carla.
Carla: Sam, I can't look at this. Would you read it?
Sam: "Dear Carla, I hope you never have to read this, because if you do, it means I'm dead. How are you, eh? I've done a terrible thing. I had to marry another woman. I didn't want to, but I made her pregnant. Oh, I guess I did two terrible things. Anyway, I just want you to know I'm sorry. You'll always be the love of my life, even in death. Stay loose. Love, Eddie."
Carla: Yeah.
Gordie Brown: My work is done here.
Gloria LeBec: Wait a minute. Did he have anything for Gloria?
Gordie Brown: Would you be that Gloria?
Gloria LeBec: Yeah.
Gordie Brown: No.


 ‘Death Takes a Holiday On Ice’ Quotes

Quote from Woody

Father Barry: So we, the friends of Edward LeBec, silently, each in his own way, bid him good-bye, secure in the belief... That he will live in eternal peace.
Woody: I think this is a nice service.
Sam: You've been to a lot of them, Wood?
Woody: What do you mean, Sam?
Sam: Just from the size of your family and all the unfortunate things that seem to happen.
Woody: No, no, no, Sam, you've got that wrong. Very few of those people were killed, just maimed. I had an uncle who lived to be 103. He had both ears till he was 101.

Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Carla, different people deal with the loss of a loved one in different ways. As such, your stoic behavior is quite understandable, but studies in human behavior tell us that we need to grieve. And until we do allow ourselves that emotional release, we can never really get back on the course of life. You see, some people hold in their grief for literally years and years. And all they accomplish is to prolong the grief and the agony, casting a pall over their own remaining days on this earth. [sobs] Oh! Oh, mommy! Mommy, why you? Oh!

Quote from Carla

Carla: Look, lady, I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I'm not amused.
Woody: Yeah, if you're trying to get a laugh at a funeral, you're going to have to be a lot funnier than that.
Gloria LeBec: I am Gloria LeBec, as in Eddie LeBec. Who the hell are you?
Carla: I'm Carla LeBec, Eddie's poor, grieving widow.
Gloria LeBec: I'm Eddie's poor, grieving widow.
Carla: That's impossible. See this? [holds up her ring finger]
Gloria LeBec: Yeah? Well, see this? [holds up her ring finger]
Carla: Yeah? Well, see this? [holds up her fist]