Sam Quote #677

Quote from Sam in Strange Bedfellows, Part 3

Janet Eldridge: I just got off the phone with the last newspaper. I'm not sure how much damage was done.
Sam: What'd you say?
Janet Eldridge: I told them you took some sinus medication and had an allergic reaction.
Sam: They buy it?
Janet Eldridge: Not unless there's something else you can put in a crock.
Sam: Oh, come on. I know it was a bit unpleasant earlier tonight, but, I mean, when you look back on it, you can't help but laugh. [Kate glares at Sam] Unless you try really hard. Oh, come on. Now, there's a grin in there. Come on. Now, that'll turn into a smile. All right, there you go. Come on, I'm sorry.
Janet Eldridge: How the hell did I ever get into this mess? I'm crazy about a guy who's the worst thing in the world for me. We can't go on like this, Sam. You have no regard for my career. And what's worse, you have no regard for me. You lied when you said you had no feelings for Diane. You obviously have very strong feelings.
Sam: No, no, come on, please. That--
Janet Eldridge: No, Sam, face it. You're trying to leave every option open, and you just can't do that. You have to make some choices and some commitments. It's called growing up.


 ‘Strange Bedfellows, Part 3’ Quotes

Quote from Norm

Norm: [enters] Afternoon, everybody.
All: Norm!
Woody: How you feeling today, Mr. Peterson?
Norm: Poor.
Woody: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Norm: No, I meant, pour.

Quote from Woody

Diane: Woody? Woody? May I ask you a question?
Woody: Sure, if you're not fussy about the answer.
Diane: Has Sam ever talked to you about his feelings toward Miss Eldridge?
Woody: Well... I heard him say that he kind of likes her. But in my opinion, you and Sam make a much better couple.
Diane: Really?
Woody: Yeah. You're my two favorite people in the whole world.
Diane: Oh, Woody. [hugs him] Thank you.
Woody: Except for my parents.
Diane: I know.
Woody: And my teachers at school. Oh, wait a minute. I can put you ahead of my 8th grade teacher, Mr. Thorndike. He always had chalk on his suit and he smelled kind of funny. But, you know, I don't wanna hurt Mr. Thorndike's feelings, so let's just forget this conversation.
Diane: I was planning to, Woody.

Quote from Carla

Carla: Hey, whitey. About that dye job crack... I'm sorry.
Diane: You're sorry? I don't think I've heard you say that before. [Woody hands Diane drinks] Thanks, Woody.
Carla: Yeah, I know. But I figure it's about time. I mean, now that you're Boston's number-one loser, I'm feeling... I'm feeling kind of different about you.
Diane: I'm flattered.
Carla: In fact I wanna apologize for all the crummy things I've said to you over the years.
Diane: Why, thank you, Carla.
Carla: Except for that one about your lizard lips. I like that one.
Diane: Exception noted.
Carla: And you know, the one about you having a personality you could store meat in. I'd like to keep that one alive too.
Diane: This is so like you. Covering up what are obviously some very fine, warm feelings. But I happen to know what you're really saying is you like me.
Carla: You're touching me.
Diane: It's called communication.
Carla: No, it's called a death wish.