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Please Mr. Postman

‘Please Mr. Postman’

Season 7, Episode 12 - Aired February 2, 1989

Cliff is asked to train a rookie postwoman, Margaret O'Keefe (Annie Golden). Meanwhile, Sam tries to uncover the song that makes Rebecca weak at the knees.

Quote from Norm

Margaret: Oh, there you are, Cliff.
Norm: Ooh, it's Cliff now, eh? Training must be going very well.
Cliff: She's a natural.
Margaret: I'm really sorry about today. I can't believe I missed that entire apartment building.
Norm: Ah, the tradition continues.


Quote from Cliff

Margaret: What we've been through together has been so special.
Cliff: Yeah.
Margaret: I wish there was a way I could be closer to you.
Cliff: Ah, scootch on over.
Margaret: No, I didn't... Oh, never mind. This is so embarrassing. I'm not good at this. I mean, why would a man like you even consider someone like me?
Cliff: Margaret, what? What in God's name are you trying to say here?
Margaret: Cliff, do you find me attractive? I mean, physically? [Cliff vigorously nods] Cliff, do you want to be with me? I want to be with you. [Cliff starts to shake] So it's a date. I'll come over to your place tomorrow night.
Cliff: My place? No. Hey, Margaret, Margaret, whoa, hold on there. Now, listen, uh, last month my mother came out and stayed a while, and she got to know the neighbors real well, and I don't want word getting back to her that her son does bad things.
Margaret: Then, uh, why don't we meet at that little motel just outside Zone 27? Tomorrow night after work?
Cliff: Yeah, I guess I could make it.

Quote from Cliff

Margaret: No, I can't be with you anymore. I don't feel what I felt before. I'm sorry.
Cliff: Well, uh, is there any way we could, you know, get that feeling back?
Margaret: We can tell them the truth.
Cliff: Oh, no, Margaret. See, if you tell them the truth, they're gonna know that I lied.
Margaret: Yes, but with your record, the worst that will happen to us, is that we'll get a slap on the wrist, and then we can get on with our lives.
Cliff: You know what's going to happen, don't ya? What we did back at that motel is going to become part of the postal record.
Margaret: I can live with that.
Cliff: Me, too. Do you think they'd give us a copy of that?

Quote from Norm

Carla: You think they really rode the carnal carrousel?
Norm: I think it's possible.
Carla: What a thought.
Norm: I know. If you don't mind, I'd kind of like to forget it.

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: A slap on the wrist she says. With your record, all we'll get is a severe reprimand, she says. So what happens? She gets fired and I get six weeks walking dreaded Zone 19.
Norm: Zone 19?
Cliff: Rottweiler Ridge, Norm.

Quote from Sam

Sam: [on the phone] Hello, Mrs. Howe? Um, I work with your daughter. My name is Sam Malone. See, I'm calling to find out what Rebecca's favorite song was when she was in school. We're throwing this little party for her. Uh-huh. Uh-huh, well, thank you. Yes, I do. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. [hangs up] "You've Lost That Loving Feeling."
Woody: Oh, no, Sam, I'm just a little tired.
Sam: No, Woody, no. That's Rebecca's song. Hold the bar down here for a minute, will ya? I got to get something out of my car.

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