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Quote from Cliff in Please Mr. Postman

Margaret: What we've been through together has been so special.
Cliff: Yeah.
Margaret: I wish there was a way I could be closer to you.
Cliff: Ah, scootch on over.
Margaret: No, I didn't... Oh, never mind. This is so embarrassing. I'm not good at this. I mean, why would a man like you even consider someone like me?
Cliff: Margaret, what? What in God's name are you trying to say here?
Margaret: Cliff, do you find me attractive? I mean, physically? [Cliff vigorously nods] Cliff, do you want to be with me? I want to be with you. [Cliff starts to shake] So it's a date. I'll come over to your place tomorrow night.
Cliff: My place? No. Hey, Margaret, Margaret, whoa, hold on there. Now, listen, uh, last month my mother came out and stayed a while, and she got to know the neighbors real well, and I don't want word getting back to her that her son does bad things.
Margaret: Then, uh, why don't we meet at that little motel just outside Zone 27? Tomorrow night after work?
Cliff: Yeah, I guess I could make it.

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