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License to Hill

‘License to Hill’

Season 10, Episode 18 - Aired February 13, 1992

While Sam and the guys enjoy a poker match in the back room, Rebecca is manning the bar when she realizes that Cheers' liquor license has expired.

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: You sure everything's okay back here?
Rebecca: Oh! Yeah, ev-everything's, everything's just fine.
Man: Come on, baby, show us your stuff.
Sam: What- What's that? What are they- What are they saying?
Rebecca: Oh, it's... It's nothing. I just have some stuff and they want to see it. Now go on back in there, come on. We're just about ready to get that beer for you. Go on, there's more beer on its way.
Sam: All right, all right.
Rebecca: Carla, take some non-alcoholic beer back there to those guys.
Carla: I thought you were going to do that.
Rebecca: I have a show to do.


Quote from Cliff

Carla: Here you go, guys. It's your fifth round. Hope you can handle it.
Norm: What does that mean, Carla?
Carla: Nothing.
Norm: Wait a minute, what did you put in the beer?
Carla: Nothing.
Cliff: You know, fellas, normally I'm a great believer in responsible drinking, but, uh, boy, this stuff really goes down easy. [chuckles] And besides, Ma knows I'm out with the boys tonight, you know. If I don't come home with a little glow on, she'll tease me till I cry.

Quote from Cliff

Cliff: Hey, guys, is it me or is... [laughing] Or is this beer great? Boy, well, you know, l... Maybe I should just hold off here, I... I, for one, am getting a little buzz on, I'm here to tell you. Hey, uh, guys, listen. I- I love you guys.
Phil: I told you hours ago: don't touch me.

Quote from Cliff

Frasier: As I suspected, there are only 51 cards in this deck.
Norm: Oh, for cryin'... All right, let's look for the other one.
Cliff: Yeah, you bet we're gonna look for it and we're gonna find it, too, or my name is not Clifford C. Clavin.
Norm: Come on, take it easy. You've had a little too much, haven't you?
Cliff: Well, you relax, buddy boy. One of us is cheating and one of us is not getting out of here alive.
Frasier: Here it is, it's under Sammy's chair.
Cliff: Oh, Sammy, Sammy, look... If you needed the money, why didn't you just ask me?

Quote from Cliff

Woody: Three aces.
Cliff: [laughs] Read 'em and weep there, buddy boy.
Sam: Cliff, y- you got five unmatched cards there.
Cliff: That's right. And, uh, you guys probably thought I was bluffing, huh? Come to Papa.

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