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How to Win Friends and Electrocute People

‘How to Win Friends and Electrocute People’

Season 7, Episode 7 - Aired December 15, 1988

When Cliff has his appendix taken out, nobody from Cheers visits him in the hospital. Meanwhile, Sam gives Lilith driving lessons.

Quote from Cliff

Norm: Cliffie? Cliff, come back in here, you big lug. You know we love you, huh? This place wouldn't be the same without you.
Cliff: Yeah, yeah, sure.
Norm: No, no, and we owe you a big apology for not going to visit you in the hospital. [murmuring apologies]
Cliff: And?
Woody: I'm sorry we made you feel like you had to do all that dumb shock therapy stuff.
Sam: Yeah. Absolutely.
Cliff: And?
Sam: And it wasn't really necessary because we're the jerks and you're not.
Norm: Yeah.
Cliff: And?
Carla: Don't push it, Clavin.


Quote from Frasier

Frasier: Here's where you've got to be real careful. You see, I-75 runs right down here into I-30. Now, if you don't stay in that far left lane, it's hello, Tulsa!

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