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Adventures in Housesitting

‘Adventures in Housesitting’

Season 7, Episode 11 - Aired January 19, 1989

Rebecca agrees to dog sit for one of her superiors down in corporate. Meanwhile, Carla gives Frasier some advice on how to overcome fear of public speaking.

Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Buster, did you hear that? Calm down. Probably wasn't anything. It was probably just a tree branch against the window. Or Leatherface. [lights go off] Oh, God! Oh, God! [thumping] Oh, God, Buster. He's at the front door. [Buster whines and retreats] Good dog.
[As Rebecca slides a chair in front of the door, Sam sneaks in the back. When Rebecca goes to block the door with a table, Sam helps her pick it up]
Rebecca: Thank you.
Sam: You're welcome.
Rebecca: [screams]


Quote from Rebecca

Rebecca: Oh, God! How in the hell did you get in here?
Sam: Well, you left the back door open. I just followed some guy carrying a meat hook.
Rebecca: That is real funny, Sam. You almost gave me a heart attack.
Sam: I'm- I'm sorry. It's all right. I'm here now. It wasn't funny. I'm sorry.
Rebecca: Right. I have to admit, I'm glad you are here. When the lights went out, and the storm came, I started getting scared to death.
Sam: What happened to that $10,000 champion watchdog?
Rebecca: He's hiding in the kitchen.

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: I am going to bed alone. If you want to stay here, you sleep on the couch.
Sam: Oh, come on. I can sleep on a couch at my place.
Rebecca: Fine. Go sleep on your couch.
Sam: All right. If that's what you want. I'll leave you all alone in this big, old scary house. Hoo! I'm moving the table.
Rebecca: Don't pull a muscle.
Sam: I'm serious. I'm moving the chair.
Rebecca: You're breaking my heart.
Sam: I got my hand on the doorknob. I'm opening the door.
Rebecca: Sam, don't! [Buster runs out]
Sam: I knew it. Pajama time!
Rebecca: Not you! The dog!

Quote from Sam

Rebecca: Buster!? Buster!?
Sam: Whoo! Boy, can that sucker haul.
Rebecca: He's gone!
Sam: Well, hey, don't worry about it. He's a hearty breed. Speaking of breeding...
Rebecca: Are you crazy? There's a champion dog, and I'm responsible for him. If it takes me all night, I'm going to find that mutt.
Sam: No. Don't.
Rebecca: Buster!?
Sam: Oh, hell. Oh! Might as well turn the electricity back on.

Quote from Norm

Alan: Wow, you know, Norm, I-I can't get over this place. I think I'll do something like this with my living room.
Norm: What are you talking about? You live in 28 square feet and your bed folds out of a couch.

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: Woody! You found him! Oh, God, I don't know who to kiss first!
Woody: Well, I just had a breath mint.
Rebecca: Buster!
Sam: Hey, man, way to go. Where'd you find him?
Woody: Oh, at an auto wrecking yard.
Sam: What were you doing there?
Woody: Just browsing.

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: Oh, Buster, Buster, good old Buster.
Woody: Oh, no, that's not Buster, that's Satan.
Rebecca: What?
Sam: Who?
Woody: I was brushing the snow off of the hubcaps, and I saw Satan here chewing through a tire, and I thought you know, he looks just like that picture of Buster. So I borrowed him, in case we don't find the other dog.
Rebecca: Woody, take him to the kitchen. I only hope we can fool Sheridan with this flea bag.
Woody: He's no flea bag, Miss Howe. He's a trained attack dog. Come on, sweetheart.

Quote from Woody

Rebecca: Woody? Bring Satan out here, please. Woody, we found Buster. You can take Satan back to the junkyard.
Woody: But, Miss Howe, he hasn't finished his snack yet. I gave him something out of the refrigerator. Well, actually, he opened the door and took it, but I got out of the way.

Quote from Rebecca

Sam: Sheridan's here. He just drove up.
Rebecca: Woody, cancel that. Sam.
Sam: Yeah?
Rebecca: Uh, y-you go around the back way and get Buster. All right? Woody, you take Satan into the kitchen and get him some kibble. We hope that Sam gets back in time with Buster, so we don't have to use him, but if he doesn't get back in time with Buster, then we have to convince Sheridan that Satan is Buster, until Sam gets back and we can switch Buster for Satan. Or I could just put steak sauce on my throat and let Satan chow down.
Woody: Uh, I understand everything perfectly, Miss Howe. Come on, Sam, let's get your kibble. [both laugh] I was just kidding, Miss Howe.

Quote from Woody

Mr. Sheridan: Now, listen, I'm very tired. I just want to say hi to my dog and then go to bed. So if you don't mind.
Rebecca: You want us to leave? He wants us to leave, Woody.
Woody: Great! How about a burger and a movie? Then we can go someplace and park.
Rebecca: Later!

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