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You Can Go Home Again

‘You Can Go Home Again’

Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired September 20, 1996

Eric and Cory's cross-county road trip is coming to end, but as they make their final pit-stop Eric decides there's nothing waiting for him at home. Meanwhile, Alan reconsiders his career choices after winning a grocery award.

Quote from Cory

Cory: Well congratulations. I'll tell mom and dad. I'm sure they'll be so proud. I know I am. I'm the Prince of Sprinkleland.


Quote from Cory

Cory: Eric, we have to go home and here's why. I'm completely out of clean underwear.
Eric: Ah, big deal. I ran out a week ago. I'm sitting pretty.
Cory: Yes, you see I don't know if you've noticed, but I've also run out of pants.

Quote from Shawn

Amy: What do you mean bad mood?
Shawn: Well, me and my dad noticed it when we were last at the market. You know, we were eating our free samples like we always do-
Alan: Woah. Hey, hey. Sticking your own toothpicks in our turkey and steak does not make them free samples.
Shawn: Fine. We'll just take our business elsewhere.

Quote from Eric

Cory: I want to go home.
Eric: I want you in pants.

Quote from Cory

Eric: To the people who know me, I'm simple.
Cory: Like string.

Quote from Cory

Cory: I should be in my room tonight. Not in a motel room. In the middle of nowhere. With a toilet seat that has not been sanitized for my protection. I don't believe that paper strip for a minute.

Quote from Eric

Eric: These people have taken me in. Back home I'm just a loser who didn't get into college, but here I could be king.

Quote from Eric

Cory: My dearest Topanga, it's day 58 of my summer road trip across this great country of ours with my dear brother, Eric. This may be the last entry in my travel log, as my road buddy is becoming ornery.
Eric: Hi, Topanga. I don't know why Cory thinks I'm ornery. I'm actually, you know, pretty happy now that I've got the tape recorder and I don't have to listen to Cory yammer on for two months and 48 states about life on the road.
And speaking of the road, here it is now. *Throws recorder out of the window*

Quote from Eric

Cory: Tape recorder number 17. The golden rays of the sunset remind me of the golden highlights in your beautiful hair.
Eric: You're insane! I mean, how is it that everything you see in this country reminds you of Topanga?
Cory: Oh, you exaggerate, Eric. I mean, I did not mention her once during our tour of the White House.
Eric: Hmm. "Topanga's got a desk just like Chelsea's."
Cory: Well, I didn't say anything at the Kennedy Space Center.
Eric: Topanga's favorite movie is Apollo 13.
Cory: Mount Rushmore?
Eric: "Will you look at the lips on Teddy Roosevelt?"
Cory: I said that out loud?
Eric: You've Topanga-ed me to death, man!

Quote from Cory

Cory: Home. Mom, Dad, Morgan, our sister who loves us. How do you beat that?
Eric: Entering Pottstown, home of the world's largest yogurt cup.
Cory: He beat it.

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