Barry Zuckerkorn Quote #59

Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn in Rom-Traum

Barry: Oh. He's going to Father B's.
Narrator: Which, to Barry, could only mean one thing.
Barry: I have time for an ice cream. Ice cream!


 ‘Rom-Traum’ Quotes

Quote from Lucille

Lucille: Maybe he went to find Oscar, warn him about the picture.
Barry: You think he really did? Because I think the prosecution gave us this picture so that George or you would lead them to Lucille 2.
Lucille: Go find him. Track him down. Get to him before he finds Lucille 2. I will not let that woman steal everything I've taken from her.

Quote from Maeby

George Michael: We've got to stop the lying in this family.
Maeby: Tell me about it. I mean, you tell one little story to get a place to live. Next thing you know, you're sorting through your roommate's pills to figure out which one will kill his sex drive.
George Michael: What you mean like estrogen?
Maeby: Wait, that's a thing? I mean, I was just day plotting.
George Michael: I'm going to stop you right there. The minute you start talking about neutering your romantic partner, you're into shit that even Gangie wouldn't do.
Maeby: The monster or the grandmother?
George Michael: The monster. But, yeah, I don't think our grandmother would do that.
Maeby: Yeah, maybe it is too far. I guess I can just pretend like I have an illness where I forget everything.
George Michael: You mean like Alzheimer's?
Maeby: That's a thing, too? I was just crime-storming. You know, just lying out loud. How funny.

Quote from Barry Zuckerkorn

Barry: I think that mothers cannot accept the idea that they've raised someone who could do something so vile.
Buster: What?
Barry: In my case, twice. Well, two times, allegedly. This falls under client-attorney privilege, right?