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Courting Disasters

‘Courting Disasters’

Season 5, Episode 15 -  Aired March 15, 2019

As Buster's trial gets underway, George Sr. and Lucille realize their star lawyer is anything but. Meanwhile, two familiar faces testify as the prosecution make their case against Buster.

Quote from Narrator

Narrator: It would've been a great ending for a feel-good movie, but it was a horrible beginning for a gruesome murder trial.
Buster: What a [bleep] baby!
Female Juror: Shut up, murderer!


Quote from Michael

Michael: Trying to find old law books. Lottie Dottie Da did say that Dusty would give the guilty guys a run for their money. I think she was being sarcastic, but I am free now, so I'm gonna try to help out in court, which is why I'm trying to find...
George Michael: A copy of A Few Good Men?
Michael: Look at that. How'd that get there? [chuckles] Actually, I thought I'd find my maritime law diploma. You know, as proof that I passed what they call the "wet bar." [chuckles]

Quote from Narrator

Lottie Dottie: On the night of Cinco de Cuatro, you were undercover, working selling donkey punch. Isn't that correct?
Gene Parmesan: Definitely undercover. I don't need two jobs. [chuckles] 'Cause everything's going really good.
Lottie Dottie: What exactly is in a donkey punch?
Gene Parmesan: You know, mostly Kool-Aid.
Lottie Dottie: So it's similar to juice, then?
Gene Parmesan: It is.
Narrator: Lucille was concerned. The DA appeared to have done her homework on Buster and his lack of restraint under the influence of sugary juice. And she found herself resenting a man she'd once admired.
Lottie Dottie: Your witness.
Narrator: But Lottie stopped short of making that point.

Quote from Narrator

Dusty: You say you had an undercover job, which means you must have left the donkey punch stand. Isn't that correct?
Gene Parmesan: Yes, it is.
Dusty: So you can't dispute my client's claim that he was dressed as the rock monster out on that floating barge when the murder took place. Allegedly. [Buster clears his throat] Allegedly took place.
Gene Parmesan: No, I did leave the donkey punch stand, uh, right before the play began.
Dusty: Mm-hmm. So how can you be sure that Buster didn't change into the rock suit as we've claimed?
Gene Parmesan: 'Cause it was me.
Narrator: After fighting with Lucille 2, Buster did end up at the donkey punch stand, but flew into a rage when he saw an old rival... leaving behind the costume he was to be wearing, to a man who never said no to a costume or a part-time job.
Gene Parmesan: That's me.

Quote from Lucille

Narrator: George Michael was as surprised as the courtroom was about to be when the DA introduced a witness who would turn the whole case upside down with a sense of the dramatic.
Lottie Dottie: Okay. Now, Warden Gentles, you recently paid a visit to the Hollywood motion picture director Ron Howard with information about the Bluth family you thought was pertinent to a project he was working on about the Bluth family. Isn't that correct?
Warden Stefan Gentles: That is correct.
Lucille: Oh, my God.
Lottie Dottie: And this had to do with an incident in Buster Bluth's past, correct?
Warden Stefan Gentles: Yes. It is so.
Lottie Dottie: And how exactly did you acquire this information?
Warden Stefan Gentles: Well, if I may be eloquent, straight from the horse's mouth.
Lottie Dottie: And who is the horse?
Warden Stefan Gentles: Lucille Bluth, of course, of course.
Lottie Dottie: But all that information on that case had been sealed.
Warden Stefan Gentles: Well, all seals can come loose with a little bit of Gentles' pressuring.
Narrator: And Lucille herself had been so loosened.

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