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Quote from Narrator in Courting Disasters

Lottie Dottie: On the night of Cinco de Cuatro, you were undercover, working selling donkey punch. Isn't that correct?
Gene Parmesan: Definitely undercover. I don't need two jobs. [chuckles] 'Cause everything's going really good.
Lottie Dottie: What exactly is in a donkey punch?
Gene Parmesan: You know, mostly Kool-Aid.
Lottie Dottie: So it's similar to juice, then?
Gene Parmesan: It is.
Narrator: Lucille was concerned. The DA appeared to have done her homework on Buster and his lack of restraint under the influence of sugary juice. And she found herself resenting a man she'd once admired.
Lottie Dottie: Your witness.
Narrator: But Lottie stopped short of making that point.

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