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Quote from Lucille in Courting Disasters

Narrator: George Michael was as surprised as the courtroom was about to be when the DA introduced a witness who would turn the whole case upside down with a sense of the dramatic.
Lottie Dottie: Okay. Now, Warden Gentles, you recently paid a visit to the Hollywood motion picture director Ron Howard with information about the Bluth family you thought was pertinent to a project he was working on about the Bluth family. Isn't that correct?
Warden Stefan Gentles: That is correct.
Lucille: Oh, my God.
Lottie Dottie: And this had to do with an incident in Buster Bluth's past, correct?
Warden Stefan Gentles: Yes. It is so.
Lottie Dottie: And how exactly did you acquire this information?
Warden Stefan Gentles: Well, if I may be eloquent, straight from the horse's mouth.
Lottie Dottie: And who is the horse?
Warden Stefan Gentles: Lucille Bluth, of course, of course.
Lottie Dottie: But all that information on that case had been sealed.
Warden Stefan Gentles: Well, all seals can come loose with a little bit of Gentles' pressuring.
Narrator: And Lucille herself had been so loosened.

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