Ava Quote #158

Quote from Ava in Story Samurai

Janine: Hey, Jacob. You aren't performing, are you? Because we already talked about it. And remember? No upstaging the Samurai.
Jacob: Yeah, but it's a whole school assembly now, and, you know, the kids are gonna be expecting to see me, so, uh...
Ava: Yeah, he don't want to let all those kids down, Janine.
Janine: [whispers] I know what you're doing!
Ava: Good, 'cause I worry about your awareness.


 ‘Story Samurai’ Quotes

Quote from Janine

Janine: Look, Jacob, at the end of the day, I'm corny, and at the beginning of the day, too, but I don't care as much.
Jacob: Okay, but that is different, because you are African-American.
Janine: Dit-dit-dit! See, when you said "African," that's corny. It just is. Look, you are a white teacher in a Black school.
Jacob: I am not Hilary Swank in Freedom Writers.
Janine: You are Hilary Swank in Freedom Writers. You are Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds. You are Sandra Bullock in...
Jacob: In Bird Box?
Janine: In The Blind Side. [gasps]
Jacob: Too far.
Janine: Too far, I know. I'm sorry about that. I know.

Quote from Melissa

Melissa: Man, this double class is kicking my ass. I need my extra-large coffee mug.
Jacob: Did you read that article the other day about how matcha... Actually more efficient at awakening the nervous system than coffee?
Melissa: Oh, yeah? Was that in Who Gives A Crap Weekly?
Jacob: It was in The New Yorker.
Melissa: Oh, so Who Gives A Crap Biweekly

Quote from Jacob

Ava: Jacob, hair and makeup are ready for you.
Jacob: You know what, Ava? I don't think I'm going to do the performance, and, um... By the way, would a "corny" person stage a one-man show called The Color Urkel?
Ava: Did you do that? Then yeah.